Husky lab mix with blood clot in dogs leg

Posted By Michele (Vancouver, Wa, Usa) on 03/10/2011

Sadie is a 9.5 year old husky-lab mix. About 6 weeks ago she fractured her left hind femur playing too hard at the dog park. This resulted in her having to have surgery to put a pin in so the bone can heal--the vets don't believe the break is due to cancer. A week and a-half ago, she had to go back to the vet due to bad pain and swelling at the pin head site. They took xrays and her bone is healing very well plus her incision has healed wonderfully. The vet took a sample of the fluid (it was sent out to a lab and cultured) and it turns out she has a serious infection which is only treated by 2 antibiotics. So now she is on Chloramphenicol for the infection, plus Tramadol and Rimadyl for the pain and inflammation.

Well, a few days later the swelling had not gone down and she was still in extreme pain. They at first thought the site needed to be drained, but there isn't anything to drain--they just keep drawing out blood so they now believe it is a blood clot in her muscle from her being too active before healing completely. Now, a couple days later, the swelling has gone down at the site some but her entire leg is now swollen and she isn't using it at all, nor can she control its movement. The other problem is she's not using her other back leg much at all either, it is becoming much more wobbly. I have to use a sling in order for her to move and getting her up to move is nearly impossible. She's also not eating! The vet hasn't had any answers for me, all I keep hearing is we don't know to every question I ask.

I started her today on arnica pills and cream, collodial silver, a vitamin mineral mix (Vitaglo by Halo), and she's been on diatomacous earth for awhile and Careflex (an extra-strength joint support). These are almost impossible to get into her along with her meds since she's refusing to eat.

Does anyone have any suggestions or been in this type of situation? I'm at a loss and am so sad that I don't know what to do to make Sadie better. It's so frustrating that the doctors don't even know what to do and I'm scared she will lose her leg after all this pain and trouble for her. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this post and I do appreciate any help, advice, information, or anything else that is offered!

Michele (and Sadie! )

Replied by 5 Pooches Home (Houston, Tx) on 03/11/2011

Try forcing her some Black Walnut and Wormwood drops 3 times a day. This will kill her infection since she is not eating it could be that she has some infection in her blood.

Black walnut - 3 times/day 10 drops each time.

Wormwoon - Same.

You will have to give her extra strength so she can recover as you cant afford to waste time.

This should bring in some improvement and she should start eating in few days.

Replied by 5 Pooches Home (Houston, Tx) on 03/11/2011

Michelle here is something you can start your baby on - Go to health food store and get Ipecac 30c. Its a homopatheic remedy. Read this-

Good luck!

Replied by Susan (Atlanta, Ga) on 05/29/2011

F.Y.I. My vet told me a great way to have my dog eat a pill, when she may not be eating, and/or she won't take it in her food, and/or disguised in a treat. I put the pill/vitamin/whatever in some chunky peanut butter, and put it on my index finger. (I let her smell the peanut butter before putting it in her mouth). With the other hand, I open her mouth, then I put the index finger with the peanut butter & pill onto the roof of her mouth, while sliding the finger along the roof of her mouth towards the front leaving peanut butter as I go, along the roof of her mouth. She then begins to lick the peanut butter off the front part of the roof of her mouth, and at the same time chewing the pill.

Replied by Jr (Coloma, Mi) on 05/31/2011

I have a lab/newfoundland mix and she has to take pills. I was told to make butter balls and hide the pill with the butter. It works so good that after she is done with her food, she lets me know it's time for her butter balls. She LOVES them.

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