Help needed for dogs cysts that will not heal

Posted By Matmt (Virginia, US) on 09/27/2014

Hello, I have a small 9 year old dachshund that has had two operations on two cysts that are both under each eye at the same time. He has also had two different antibiotics for a long time .They seem to heal up fine till they look like a fine white scars. Then they start to get puffy and red, then just bursts open again!! Clear liquid building up under the healed skin seems to be the problem. They just won't dry up. Has anyone a suggestion or know what it is, This has been going on for a year now. I Don't know what to do any more and the vets bills are so high the only thing drying up is my wallet.

Thank you Matmt


Replied by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 09/27/2014

For the cysts, you may want to try cold pressed castor oil. It can also be put into the eyes as well. I would alternate this with honey on the lesions. This should work. Please give your dog probiotics after the antibiotics. Om

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