Has anyone treated horse with melanoma

Posted By EJ (Middleboro, MA) on 05/28/2009


I'm wondering if anyone has successfully treated melanoma in horses. My aging grey gelding has many and they seem to be getting bigger lately. There is a large one in his mouth, on the crease of the lip where the bit lies that has grown 3 fold in the 8 years I've owned him. Doesn't seem to bother him yet, but I'm concerned that it will. I'm also concerned about some around the anus. The vet has told me if they are outside, they are inside and suspects they are in the rectum. We all know what happens when a horse can't pass manure, so I'm trying to get proactive. I'm also curious if anyone has used Essiac tea or tincture on horses. I use it myself and would like to try it, but know that some things that are safe for humans, aren't for horses. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Replied by Estelle (Gardiner, Maine) on 10/15/2009

Your horse may very well NOT have them inside. I have been fighting a really agressive case of melamonas in my gray arab mare for almost 2 years now. It costs money, but I have found things that help. You need to use all of them.

Olive Leaf Powder
Grape seed extract
Nzymes (do a good search and put it in exactly the way I spelled it, it's a product)
Vitamin E/Selenium supplement.
You can also add some medicinal mushrooms and blue green algae.

Remember with the colostrum, grape seed and Nzymes you need LARGE doses to do any good. Dose twice a day for at least 6 months, take the horse off most or all of the things for 2-3 weeks,then start back up again.

for bulk colostrum, best price I found for the amount you have to give

For the Olive Leaf in bulk.

For grape seed

Replied by Yaya (Ely, Sufflok Uk) on 10/05/2011

Hi, I read about your horse with melanomas and wonder how you are getting on. I have a 12 year old andalucian gelding that has them on his anus sheath and penis last night I also discovered them on his mouth creases. He is on Cimetidine but I have been told that only a third of horses respond to them. I look forward to hearing from you. I am so worried as he is not just a horse to me he is my baby.

Thanks, Yaya


Replied by Emily (New Orleans, La) on 11/14/2011

Hi, I have an 8 yr old male chocolat lab who just got diagnosed with this. I heard that essiac tea helps with this? Has anyone heard of anything? Any suggestions or advice about anything would be greatly appreciated.

Replied by Erika (Melbourne, Victoria. Australia.) on 11/18/2011

Hi All, Just want to pass on a natural cure for Melanoma(CANCER) and it is called "Black Salve". If you check out Elaine Hollingsworth's website, "Doctor's are Dangerous " you will find all the information there. It works for humans as well.

Replied by Copnnie (Belle, Mo) on 05/01/2013

Hi, the vet I worked for a long time ago used acupuncture on a gelding that had melanoma, and I worked! It would come back and he would treat again, but at least it wasnt as bad as it could have been:)

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