Seeking Remedies for Emphysema in Siberian Husky Who Was Severely Injured

Posted By Rach (Delhi ) on 11/25/2017

Dear Ted,

Last week my Siberian husky fell off the roof chasing monkeys. As a result she broke her pelvis and hip and was operated for the same and two implants were put in. However she started to develop water retention and her whole body was squishy and bloated. Today the dr said it was emphysema and he inserted a needle and squeezed the air out as much as possible. He has put her on antibiotics and on some anti inflammatory medication and relaxenzymes for the treatment. Her heart was elevated in the chest cavity in the X-ray and the vet said that this has happened due to the trauma she incurred when she fell. Her Aveola maybe damaged or leaking. Please advise the best holistic treatment for her. Thank you

EC: Dear Rach,

We are so sorry to hear about your dog. Unfortunately Ted had a stroke 2+ years ago and can no longer write posts. Hopefully one of our other wonderful contributors can advise.


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