Dog who had seizure and lays around limp

Posted By Lucy (Eastman, Ga/ United States) on 09/18/2011

My dog had a seizure and now she just lays around limp. What can I give her to help her get well?

Replied by Meghan (Harrisburg, Pa) on 12/13/2011

Not sure if your pet is still having seizures, but when my elder dog has seizures, they are severe! It can take him quite sometime to recover. Giving him 2 tablespoons Haagan Daz (preservative free) ice cream and 4 drops rescue remedy really helps his post-ictal recovery time. Once you know the episode is over you can give 1/4 of his meal to replace some lost carbs.

Your pet just needs time to recuperate, he just ran the equivalent of a marathon.


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