Contining problem with dogs with food allergies and ear infections

Posted By Jessica (Cabot, Arkansas) on 10/22/2012

Two years ago my vet has told me that my labs may have food allergies since they got frequent ear infections. So we've spent 2 years on a limited diet food (duck and potato), but they still get a few of infections each year. We have recently changed to salmon and rice, but the food is so expensive that we may be forced to give our dogs away (we can't afford the food and treatments for infections). We are desparately looking for alternative treatments, becaus, like most dog owners, we love our dogs and want to keep them! Does anyone think the vinegar & water mixture could help prevent these infections instead of just treat once they get an infection? How much solution and how often? Also, the yogurt makes sense as a preventative, but how much and how often? My labs are 75lbs each. Thanks!

Replied by Wendy (Columbus, Oh/usa) on 10/22/2012

To help prevent infections, add 1 tablespoon of full-strength organic Apple Cider Vinegar to each of your dog's food, every time you feed them. Just mix it all up in their food.

If they don't want to eat it with the ACV, don't worry about it! Just leave their food down for 20 mins. If they don't eat it by then, pick it up, and put it in the fridge, covered, for the next meal. Then, at the next meal, add a couple of tablespoons of hot water to the food (it's cold since it's been in the fridge) and mix it all up.

Dogs will eventually eat after 2-3 days (or so I've read). Or, you can add some chicken or other high-quality meat to their food to make them want to eat it.


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