Cat griffin suffering with uti

Posted By Tricia (Phoenix, As Usa) on 01/09/2013

I believe my cat Griffin is suffering fron uti. He is 7 year old male indoor cat. I have tried the Apple Cider Vinegar for the last two days. I have diluted it and administered it in a Doppler, and he cannot handle it. He in no time throws it up. I've tried mixing it w his food(he only eats instinct canned food), and he walks away from that. He is eating less and less. I have spent a fortune on my best furry friend. He is urinating once a day or so. Does anyone have any helpful advice. My vet has given me clavamox without having to bring Griffin in, as he stresses so much he totally turns ferrel!! He is still pretty sluggish and not himself. Feeling lots of stress!!

Replied by Mia (Los Angeles, Cali) on 01/12/2013

To Tricia - you might want to try applying apple cider vinegar (diluted) to the scruff of the cat's neck twice a day. I have heard this is one way to get ACV into them when they throw it up. I think I read that you should dilute acv 1:1 with water. Undiluted ACV can burn the skin, so important to dilute. Good luck with your furry friend. Let us know how it goes.

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