Help Requested Re ACV Treatment For Wet FIP

Posted By Susi (Indonesia) on 04/17/2016

I need help information to start treatment my beloved kid

My cat had fip wet, have three months in treatment by vet, every week capacity of liquid the stomach and given medicine diuretic lasik, any the sharing of experience treatment to the same case by using ACV, how doses working a day, nutrients given, of vitamins to platelets dropout. Do treatment with ACV can issued urine without medication diuretic, how long the process treatment do. Already two weeks im not used drug medikal because I concerned a chemical effect, I just give albumin, iron and vitamin D3, extract curcuma, vitamin B complex, taurine, squalene softgell, honey, eat rc wet weaning 30 ml every three hours.

When everyone could share with me would be very helpful, I have a lot thank you for all support information given to me.



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