8 mos ago spotted anal smell problem in cat

Posted By Steve (Brampton, On, Canada) on 05/22/2011

It is more than 8 months since I spotted that my 6 years old cat has a stinky "puss" coming out at the edge of the "anus". I put several times grisly charcoal all over that, hoping it will help. Please if You have any suggestion what it could be and what remedy could be used for this. This is "Siberian" cat with pedigree, and eats veterinary medical food. Thank You in advance! Steve

Replied by Diana (Houston, Tx) on 02/02/2012

Steve you need to read all the posts before yours. One in particular just a few posts above yours describes a detailed couple of posts about how a gentleman was able to help his cat using 100 percent canned pumpkin to clear his cat's absess. Much of the stuff that comes out is a pussie type liquid. You should help your cat soon with this remedy and you and your cat will both be happy you did. Read all posts related to people curing their "cats" using canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling).

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