Writing about mother with valley fever

Posted By Lindat (Macomb, Michigan, U.s.) on 05/14/2010

Hello, my mother is in the hospital we believe with Valley Fever. I didn't see anything about Valley Fever on your website so I was wondering if you have any remedies for it. As of now she has pneumonia, coughing, aching, fatique, loss of breath, she also had a rash on her lower legs before she got really sick. She lives in Arizona close to the highway and the deserts. If you have any suggestions please let me know, thank you in advance.

Replied by T (Brooklyn, Ny) on 05/19/2010

Hi there. Because Valley Fever is a fungal infection of the lungs - I would strongly recommend the use of herbs in this instance. As well as potent (anti-fungal) oils such as extra virgin coconut oil or Oil of Oregano.

The herbs would be: mullein leaf tea and turmeric. I don't know your aversion to herbs but both I know (personally) are exceptional for treating inflammatory related conditions. In your mom's case - she needs to address not only the fungal infection but also the residual inflammation caused by the infection itself. Mullein leaf is a lung tonic and expectorant. Essentially, it helps to moisturize and lubricate dry, irritated and inflamed mucous membranous tissues. It'll help her to loosen, drive and expel any excess mucus from the walls of her lungs so she can accomplish (2) things: get it out of her system and re-stabilize her breathing. I've used it to treat severe sinusitis ear infections...and I find it to be very effective. The turmeric will help to significantly reduce your mother's overall systemic inflammatory response.

So while taking up to 3 tablespoons/day of EVCO OR 10-20 drops (gradually) of Oil of Oregano - she can also drink *simultaneously* a cup of mullein tea (please brew for 10-12mins) up to 3x/day (u can even put a tsp of EVCO in her tea w/ a tsp of turmeric - either way is fine) and this should start to help alleviate and address some of her symptoms. The turmeric can also be made as a tea - just simply add a tsp to hot water mix w/ lemon. Please also have her drink a lot of water! She will need to in order to flush out the infection.

I did also want to add that Ted's baking soda remedies are a great adjunct as well! The 1/2 tsp baking soda/lemon mix can help alkalize her system quickly (fungus cannot thrive in a alkalized environment) but do ensure she is getting a high quality multi-vitamin or even a nutrient-dense drink such as a green smoothie so that her nutritional reserves are not depleted. I hope this has been of some help and I pray she gets well soon!

God Bless You!
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Replied by Lorhen (Gilbert, Az, Usa) on 11/06/2011

I have valley fever now, diagnosed by blood tests and am using wild oregano oil 10 drops twice a day and UV blood irradiation treatments. I also use a product called Oregaresp by North American Herbs. These methods are all working and I am finally on the mend.

My symptoms were chest congestion, cough, difficulty breathing, weakness, EXTREME FATIGUE, loss of appetite, weight loss, night sweats. Most of those symptoms have lessened after two weeks but I still do have some fatigue and a tiny bit of chest congestion.. It does take some time to get over this but you can do it w/o Diflucan (toxic) if you get over pneumonia or other side effects of the valley fever..

Also there has been a 40% increase in VF cases in Maricopa county this year alone because of all the dust storms (haboobs) we have had..

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Replied by Lorhen (Gilbert, Az) on 11/23/2011


Still on the Wild Oregano and UV blood treatments. Am very slowing getting better but there have been many cleaning reactions (herx reactions) from the UV blood treatments. It is not easy healing from this horrible fungal infection. I am refusing to take any toxic medictions like Diflucan... I know the healing will take time but I am willing to do what it takes..

I am also considering MMS as I know one gal that said she cured herself of valley fever using MMS..

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Replied by Misty (Las Cruces, Nm) on 03/11/2012

i am a 40 year old female who contracted valley fever in new mexico and my doctor had never treated a case ever..! I became extremely ill an was having seisures an parallaysis and horrible pain in everyone of my joints and coughing an spitting up lots of dark black mucus. my doctor mis diagnosed me with ms, fibromyalgia, 4th stage lung cancer. I had none of these... I had valley fever that had disseminated.

I would later learn, this was more horrible than cancer it self. I had a operation to remove part of my lung an the tumor the fungus had created. I then under went 6 months of treatment with amphotericin b TOXIC!

I have also been informed that there is no cure for valley fever once you have this form, it is incurable an causes many on going problems. I continue to be held hostage by this horrible debilitating disease, help and join us patients to find a cure....


Replied by Jim (Brownsville, Or.) on 07/10/2012

After I received my U. S. Army discharge, (1964) I went to Phoenix, Az. to attend a wedding. I was infected with Valley Fever while hunting in the desert and it diseminated to my lungs, then to my shoulder and left side, appearing as giant boil-like sores. I spent almost 2 years in the vertrans hospital in Santa Monica, Cal. I received weekly IV's of amphoterisan b. until my kidneys started to become damaged. This process took 18 months, and I had only received just half of the recommended dose. I was told that my kidneys could take no more, so I would either survive or not.

I have lived for over 40 years since that time, but have been told NOT to go into any area again that has Valley Fever, as It could return and I would die. (One other MD at the Veteran's hospital said that I am now immune and could never catch it again. ) Who do you believe? I have never been back to visit my relatives in Phoenix or California who live in areas where Valley Fever is prevelant. While in the Vet's hospital, I saw people with noses eaten away, and huge leasions on their skin, who had been there longer than I, and still were under treatment. I wish anyone with the disease a happy recovery, and hope it never diseminates. Jim

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Replied by Aztammie (Maricopa, Arizona) on 09/28/2012

My 33 year old son became sick March of 2010 and thinking it was "flu" type illness, treated it himself. Then as the weeks turned to months and he got weaker and thinner and sicker, he finally agreed to go to the hospital. We were told he had lung cancer with 70% of his lungs destroyed and that nothing could be done. Five days later we were told "oops, not cancer, just valley fever". He was given diflucan and released. The difluan made him even sicker and he couldn't keep it down so he was given phenagran to take 30 minutes before his diflucan. We knew that this would take time but 7 months later he was having severe head pain, dizziness, neck/back pain, passing out and really looked aweful. First trip to the E. R. gave a diagnosis of "flu" and released. A few days later while visiting me in the hospital, he passed out on a nurse, taken to the E. R. and was told he had "vertigo" and released. A week later, with a high fever and still terribly in pain and sick, he collapsed in the living room and went to a different hospital by ambulance.

After a fight with the doctors we got them to do a spinal tap. Positive for two bacterias and one fungal form of spinal meningitis and they determined that he had disseminated valley fever. MRI showed brain swelling and a brain cyst also. It has been 2 1/2 years, they tell us that he is terminal and nothing can be done. We don't have a doctor that will follow up with him or try to help, his family doctor doesn't know what to do, his pulmonary/infectious disease doctor sees him in the hospital but isn't doing anything for him. The VF is in all of his joints, muscles, organs including his heart and kidneys. He still is throwing up daily and his pain is severe. I do not want to bury my son. There has to be something that can help him. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Blessings to everyone.

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Replied by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 09/28/2012

Dear Aztammie - My heart goes out to you and your son. Have you been on the www.valleyfeversurvivor.com or www.valleyfeverepidemic.com Web sites? The first one says it is the #1 valley fever patient advocacy organization so they may be able to provide you with some solutions. Also, you may want to read up on serrapeptase (protease type enzyme). It might help with the pain. I truly hope you find the right solution for your son. Take care, Bess

Replied by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 09/28/2012

Hi Sweetie. My understanding is that Valley Fever is akin to Lyme disease, and responds very well to that ______ Vit C (for both bacterium and viral causes). The only issue is to take a serving (1,000mg) on an empty stomach, and repeat several (2-3) times over the course of day / evening to saturate the body. This may take a few days or so, then back to two servings a day. I would wait for either a strong healing response, or diarrhea, before backing off, as that is what the researchers said about it. Lyme disease is on the list of issues that this form of Vit C can help resolve. It is the best stuff for viruses that I've come across besides BHT. And, I also have had Valley Fever / Lyme disease, as it is prevalent in the Central Valley of California.

Best wishes this provides help for your son! --T.

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Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 09/29/2012

Aztammie: First thing to correct is a very likely acidosis as chronic infections reduce oxygen which in turn causes acidosis; so check out the baking soda page here: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/baking_soda.html.

Next, to boost immunity, support the Thymus gland which in turn will significantly increase immune response. Here's a paste from a previous post: "To boost the Thymus do these little exercises on a daily basis and significantly boost your immune power. First, use some type negative pole magnet (the side that sticks to metal) over the Thymus, which is directly between the lower neck and heart area; a common refrigerator magnet will do just fine; do this for approx 15 minutes. Second, do the "Thymus Tap" by making a fist and gently bump the T area a few times and wait a little then bump again several times daily. Thirdly, supplement Raw Thymus Glandular as recommended on label."

Next, check out all the good postings on Lipospheric Vit-C here on E. C. Lately. Vit-C is an excellent antibiotic and blood purifier; this should bring immediate lessening of symptoms. Iodine is also important for overall health, take Potassium Iodide as directed.

Other nutrients critical for immunity is Zinc & Vit-A. Natural Antibiotic herbs include: Grapeseed Extract, Olive Leaf Extract, Oil of Oregano, Goldenseal, Pau de Arco. Immune boosting herbs are: Mitake, Reishi, Shitaki Mushrooms (Extract), Astragalus (don't give w/ fever), Echinacea, Beta Glucan.

Hope this helps and good luck.


Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/29/2012

Hi Aztammie... Although I've had no experience with Valley Fever, I have successfully helped people with systemic or dissemnated fungal candida. Since Valley Fever involves Coccidioides immitis, which is also a fungus, then the Candida Protocol shown here in this post stream should help your son:

Anti-Candida Protocol

The strategy for this protocol simply involves:
* Direct Fungal Attack Remedies
* Detox Support (removing heavy metals, bad halides and other poisons from the body)
* Orthomolecular Nutrient Support to help boost the immune system
* Liver Support to counteract adverse detox and die-off effects.
* Diet

I've found that the best fungal attack combination for killing the systemic candida fungus is the following:
Lugol's Iodine
Borax or Sodium Tetraborate
Alkalizing daily using Ted's Sodium bicarbonate and water plus using his lemon/lime or ACV and bicarb remedies.

Lugol's Iodine kills 80%-90% of all know pathogens -- including viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites. Borax might best be described as the ultimate fungal killer, which also helps to eradicate mycoplasma. Alkalizing the body creates an alkaline pH environment that is very unhealthy for fungus.

If you can also find Sodium Molybdate or Molybdenum -- then take at least 900 mcg of this mineral twice a day. Fungal toxins involve aldehydes and molybdenum helps to neutralize poisonous aldehydes by promoting the aldehyde oxidase enzyme in the body. Molybdenum also helps to kill fungus.

The detox protocols are very necessary to address the root causes of fungal infection -- a weak immune system. Poisons like heavy metals and Chlorine, Fluorine and Bromine lower the strength of the immune system. The following are therefore useful for helping the body to detox: Chlorella, Sodium Thiosulfate, Drinking Green Tea, Eating Raw Cilantro regularly in salads

Taking the Nutrient Support Regimen is optional and up to you. But taking multivitamins for convenience is not what I'm recommending here -- I'm recommending nutrient support at the correct orthomolecular dosages.

The Liver Support regimen is also optional and up to you. This regimen helps to protect and assist the liver during heavy detox and die-off periods.

Lastly there is the diet. When you ask the question -- Why or how did we get this fungal infection? --Then the answer can only be because of the poor acid food that we put into our mouths every day. The diet is very important and should therefore be strictly followed.

Avoid antibiotics at all costs. Antibiotics only ever seem to encourage fungal problems which generally makes the situation far worse. See this link for an explanation.


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