Would oil pulling help anxiety

Posted By Angela, Nj (Bloomfield, Nj) on 07/21/2011

My son suffers from severe anxiety. No one seems to know what the cause of the anxiety is. The docters have treated him with heavy drugs for mental illness which has caused him to gain more than twice his original weight. He no longer takes the drugs. He now takes melatonin at night as we found out that he has not been sleeping. He also takes GABA during the day to relax. I was wondering if oil pulling would be helpful. Does anyone have any light to shed on this?

Replied by K. H. (Naples, Fl) on 07/21/2011

I never knew what an Anxiety/Panic Attack was until I experienced it a few years ago. I was in shock & disbelief as to why I was experiencing them. I started to get them 2-3 times a week & like your son, couldn't sleep unless taking 5-HTP. My stress level & diet (which was pretty healthy) wasn't any different from years past so I was adamant on figuring out the "root cause" & for me it was chewing gum! I had been chewing 2-3 pieces a day for close to a year & figured out that my body had reached it's boiling point & was telling me the poison had finally surfaced! That poison being Aspartame! I immediately stopped the gum & the attacks started to lessen & finally stop within weeks of quitting (haven't had 1 since)! I think Aspartame affects people differently, some it affects immediately others over time (in my case). Make sure your son isn't ingesting that poison in certain foods he might be eating I. E. Sugar free candy, diet sodas, gum etc. I think the "cause" is there, you just have to really observe certain outside influenecs that might be triggering his condition as was mine!

Good luck!


Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/22/2011

Angela, there is a lot of information to help with anxiety on the Doctoryourself.com website. Also research all you can on anxiety and Dr. Hoffer.

From the website: http://www.doctoryourself.com/anxiety.html

NIACIN - vitamin B-3 is so effective against actual psychoses that half of all mental ward inmates in the South were able to be released once a depression-era deficiency of this vitamin was corrected. Niacin in appropriate doses acts as a natural tranquilizer and induces relaxation or sleep. It is non-addictive, cheap, and safer than any pharmaceutical product. Dosage varies with condition. The best author on the subject is Abram Hoffer, M. D. , whose experience dates back to the early 1950's. He routinely gave at least as much vitamin C as he did niacin.

LECITHIN - a food supplement that is high in phosphatidyl choline. The body is able to make acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, out of this. This has a sedating effect. It is interesting to note that one third of your brain, by dry weight, is lecithin. Feeding the organ what it is largely made of might help it to function better. (Don't worry: lecithin supplements are made from soybeans. ) Dosage runs in the tablespoons.

SUGAR - avoid it, to reduce anxiety symptoms. The swings from high to low blood sugar result in corresponding mood swings. Sugar is not your friend. Eat complex carbohydrates instead.

CHROMIUM may help even out the sugar mood-swings and perhaps even sugar craving. Chromium deficiency (daily intake under 50 micrograms) affects 9 out of 10 adults. Somewhere between 50 and 400 mcg of chromium substantially improves your cells ability to use insulin. Don't gnaw on the bumper of a '54 Cadillac because that kind of chrome is toxic. Chromium polynicotinate or chromium picolinate are safer and better absorbed.

B-COMPLEX VITAMINS also help even out your blood sugar. In addition, the metabolism of just about everything you digest hinges on one or more of this group of B-vitamins. Taken together, they are especially safe and effective. The body needs proportionally more niacin than the other B's, so extra niacin as mentioned above is still valid.

EXERCISE reduces anxiety. Is it because you are too pooped to worry? Who cares; it helps. Exercise has many other health benefits, too, so there is no way you can lose by trying it. Start easily and work up.

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES such as Aconite, Coffea Cruda and Kali Phos. have been used to treat symptoms of anxiety for nearly 200 years. These very dilute natural remedies are safe and can help significantly. I recommend that you get a copy of The Prescriber, by J. H. Clarke, M. D. This very practical book concisely explains this healing approach and helps you easily select the most appropriate remedy. Homeopathic remedies are non-prescription. Many health food stores carry them. I know people who carry a bottle of KaliPhos 6X tablets in their pocket or purse, just in case.

HERBS such as chamomile and catnip make a soothing tea. There are certainly other useful herbs to consider as well. A good herb store or health food store will have books that will help you learn more.


Replied by Lmp (Long Island, New York) on 07/25/2011

Angela, I'm so sorry your son if suffering for this. I have been for the last 6 years and I would not wish it on my worst enemy. It is so debilitating. I will pray for him. I can only offer you what works for me - but everyone is different. First I started therapy - helps you identify your triggers and how to have better skills at handling it. Second, I became very aware of what I was ingesting and using that were not serving me well. I try to eat all organic, very little processed food. I try to use natural products, drink a lot of water, stay away from drugs (recreational and pharmaceutical), minimal alcohol, no tobacco or caffeine. I do yoga regularly. And I meditate daily. The meditation combined with therapy has changed my life. I would love to tell you more about the meditation (too much to write here)... Let me know if you are interested. Sending so much love and good thoughts your and your sons way....

Replied by Jr (Coloma, Mi) on 07/25/2011

I would love to know more about your meditation for anxiety

Replied by Lmp (Long Island, Ny) on 08/15/2011

To : Jr from Coloma-- check out my piece under "meditation" -- u can email me from there and I can give u more info

Replied by Zander (Ohio, Usa) on 07/26/2014

Debbie--thank you so much very much for this list and the website. Yours is the only post I have found here which mentioned Lecithin which I'm attributing to a drastic improvment in my anxiety level this evening. I took phosphatidylcholine [a type of Lecitihin, if I'm not mistaken, or akin to it] which is for Liver & Brain benefits. I did not anticipate the calm and return to my senses and enjoyment of things that settled over me quite quickly. The only change to the environment which I had made after a day of absolutely anxious, weepy dread was that I had taken these which arrived just this afternoon. This prompted me to research the supplement and to learn that it has calmative properties for the nervous system. Again, thank you for your post!

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