Would MMS Help Me Since I Have Crohn's and Possible Mycobacterium?

Posted By Kate (N. Van, Bc/canada ) on 02/21/2012

I have recently been researching on a remedy called Master Mineral Solution or Chlorine Dioxide.

I see that it may be good for Crohn's disease and many other ailments. I suffer from Crohn's and have also started to have numbness of the extremities. I am wondering if what I am actually suffering from is an infection with Mycobacterium? I had an MRI done and they said I had inflammation on parts of my spinal sheath.

I have taken all kinds of medication for my condition and last year I had to stop taking Humira because I was getting numbness, but I still have numbness after a year of not taking it. I also have low Vitamin D levels even though I'm consuming 2000IU each day. I read in the bookstore a book that said that people with my condition "do not absorb Vit D because of inflammation of the intestinal tract". Doctors don't seem to know about this!

Could you suggest to me what I could be taking since I have no options left to me drug wise unless I become a guinea pig and do a trial drug! Have you heard of MMS and what do you think of it?

If you could help me with any advice I will be so very greatful for it! Sincerely, Kate


Replied by Carlo (Fraser, Michigan) on 06/24/2012

I have crohn's disease. What helps me is: aloe vera mixed with one tsp of L-glutamine x2 daily, on on empty stomac 30-40 minutes before meals , olso take large amount of probiotics on empty stomac 1or 2 times a day, you can take the probiotics with aloa and l-glutamine. Fish oil is impotant [take with food], Emu oil capsules is very good [take it on empty stomac , works better for me] you can take it with food olso. Massage emu oil for 15-30 seconds on your abdomen or other areas where you have pain, cover the area with plastic wrap for 5-10 minutes or as long you want [use the plastic bag used to keep Rice crispy in the box, this type of plastic is safer thhen regular plastic wrap]. For massaging use liquid emu oil , you can buy in fluid oz. Is less expensive but DO NOT drink this one. Emu oil is a strong antinflamatory oil. A low level laser olso helps me a lot.
God bless.

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