Would Alka-seltzer Gold Work for Alkalizing?

Posted By Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/26/2009

Hi Ted,much thanks for answering all our questions, I for one am very grateful for all your wonderful knowledge and research.

In my internet surfing, I've also noticed that for an alkalizing remedy, Alka-Seltzer Gold seems to contain all the ingredients that you advise in the correct proportions. From their website the ingredients for A-S Gold are:

Chemical Ingredients for A-S Gold
(in each tablet)

Anhydrous citric acid 1000 mg. Antacid
Potassium bicarbonate 344 mg. Antacid
Sodium bicarbonate (heat-treated) 1050 mg. Antacid

The active ingredients from this combination are sodium and potassium citrate as far as I can see. There are also no other advertized ingredients like aspartame.

I know that potassium salts are relatively easy to obtain and buy in the west, but here in the philippines it's not so easy and both potassium bicarbonate and citrate salts are very hard to find where I'm living in the semi-provinces.

Could A-S Gold be used as a viable way of alkalizing with citric acid, baking soda and potassium?

Replied by Dee (Palm Beach, Florida, Usa) on 01/05/2011

How often should I take AS gold and will regular AS work

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