Woman needs help for acid reflux and other issues

Posted By Sonia (Hamilton, Bermuda) on 10/06/2011

Dear Dr Ted. I am 48 years old. I have GERD and my chest feels like it is cracking open. I now have chronic inflammation in my esophagus, stomach, and small intestines. Diagnosed me with acid reflux 4/2009. End 2009 I had 2 amalgam fillings ( I have 10 left) restored to white and then 1 was root canaled. Soon I had some nausea/vomiting and ab pain right into spring 2010. Dr said AR had returned. One week later I have burning in back n arms, random pains n heaviness in my head, excruciating ab pain (possibly the start of the inflammation?). Then aggressive memory loss started (which really started subtly in 1990's). The dr's cannot find anythg else n put me on anti-depressant. Feb 2011 I started having an awful feeling in my head like I am on a different plane from others, which continues even though I stopped taking the anti-depressant. In 2000 head vibrations started with heavy feeling from my trunk to feet like gravity pulling me to ground 3 weeks after 1 of my 4 miscarraiges.

Naturopath diagnosed me summer 2010 with leaky gut, systemic yeast, gut bacterial dysbiosis, heavy metals toxicity, a parasite, stressed adrenals, food allergies. He gave me Cipro antibiotic and Diflucan then a powdered drink by Metagenics for LGS. Ab pain worsened so I stopped. Pls help - 911!! Nexium is not working. I am fighting for my 7 year old daughter.

Thank you - Sonia


Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 10/06/2011

Sonia, it would be interesting to hear what your diet is like. As they say you are what you eat. Do you eat many processed foods/ soft drinks?

When you take antibiotics you need to take lots of probiotics (make sure they are good quality), fermented foods etc. To get the good bacteria back into the gut. ACV would help as well.

For heavy metal toxicity, I would try to supplement with either sea vegetables (kelp, kombu, wakame etc. ) and/or iodine. Iodine will also help your acid reflux and candida/ yeast problems and adrenal problems. There is a link to an excellent ebook on iodine (if you scroll down or look under the iodine section). A deficiency will cause many disease symptoms.

Vitamin C is also good for metal toxicity, as is cilantro (corriander) which is a herb.

Coconut oil would also benefit you as it is antifungal and antibacteria. Unrefined organic.

Your body would also benefit from taking spirulina and chlorella as well and green smoothies.


Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 10/09/2011

Sonia, leaky gut, systemic yeast, heavy metal toxicity, parasites, stressed adrenals... Please read the Book by Dr. Brownstein on iodine deficiency. All your symptoms can be helped by iodine in your diet. Lugols iodine is very safe to take...

Nexium will decrease your stomach acid ... Acid reflux is caused by low stomach acid so you are making the problem worse. From what I have been reading Iodine will regulate your stomach acid as well as help all the above.. Please do some research on this website under remedies and iodine, and read the book I mentioned above on iodine.


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