What is the best way to find most current info for c diff

Posted By Diane (Spokane, Washington, United States) on 01/17/2012

Question: My Papa has been diagnosed with this condition since July 2011 and is on his 3rd bout. He is 73 with several other medical conditions however this is currently the most prevalent. Does anyone know where I can find a site that will provide in lay terms the most accurate description, treatment, and possible specialists in this area? Many thanks and best to those in your life suffering as well.

Regards, Diane


Replied by Helen (Bern, Switzerland) on 01/22/2012

Dear Diane, Sorry to hear about your Papa. My friend was infected (twice) with c-diff, first in a hospital, then in a nursing home.

allnurses website had good info on c-diff, especially posts written by

Carol S./Concerned lady

I read it a few years back. I hope those links still work. Or you may google Dr. Johannes Aas or Dr. Rubin in a clinic in Duluth Minnesota. Their therapy is shocking, unless you're open-minded, but it is about 95% successful.


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