What Else Can I Try for My Arrhythmia?

Posted By Thyme (Clearwater, Fl) on 12/22/2015

My cardiologist just fired me. This all started only in August, and here it is December and I've been through four cardiologists, all of whom want me to take drugs for a heart rhythm problem. The first put me on a calcium blocker, (diazatem), then when that didn't work, added a sodium blocker and xarelto. Since none of it worked, my regular doctor prescribed a beta blocker... which I didn't take.

My cardiologist won't treat me because I want to try to find the problem, rather than take drugs for the cure. I have tried many things including acv, hawthorne, mag taurate, mag glycinate, LCarnitine, Ubiquinol, K2, and most recently potassium. All have helped bring my heart rhythm down from 140s to about 100, but it is still irregular.

I'm pretty sure it is somehow related to electrolytes, but just can't seem to make it tick steadily. Any more ideas out there?

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Replied by Timh (Ky) on 12/23/2015

T: Gallstones are notorious for causing irregularities in the heart. Try any number of gallstone remedies here on E.C. and note response.
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Replied by Alexandra (Cheshire, Uk) on 12/23/2015

I would research cayenne pepper. Wonderful stuff.

Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 12/24/2015

Hello Thyme;

I've seen an irregular issue a number of times that if persistent even after taking lots of magnesium (the lack of which is usually the problem)... the issue was an infection around the heart. A persistent virus can just keep on causing problems.

So, if me, I'd at least try an anti viral; such as colloidal silver. Two tablespoons three times a day for a week and see if any improvement. I've done this for myself at least and virtually always, as I say, a mag deficiency. But don't overlook an infection, so I added CS and poof...symptoms gone.


Replied by Mrs A. (London) on 12/25/2015

Heart arrythmia - "diet" drinks can cause this, because of the aspartame (artificial sweetener). No doubt you as an Earth Clinic reader will know the dangers of these, but I mention it just in case.

Replied by Anna (Uk) on 01/01/2016

Hello Thyme,

I also think its something to do with electrolytes.

I have just discovered coconut water (not milk) works wonders. Some people use it as a sports drink which is a healthier alternative to replace lost fluids. It may not cure my arrhythmia but it regulates my heart within 15 minutes.

Give it a try good luck!


Replied by Pat (Pa) on 02/20/2016

Magnesium is probably what you need since mostof the population is deficient! I have been searching for a cure for 3plus years now and have also taken all the supplements that have been recommended but the problem was I wasn't able to take ENOUGH magnesium! I needed so much more! Start spraying your body with magnesium since you will never get enough orally! Keep taking as much as you can orally also! You may get a laxative effect and that is why we sometimes can't get what we need! It is an automatic default to ever taking too much! Please go to www.drcarolyndean.com. She has written a few books and I take the "liquid ReMag" that has been what has helped me so much! I gradually went off all the meds except for a very small dose of beta blocker(12.5) at night which I will probably stop in the near future! Just hangin on! But I'm not worried about that small dose! Let me know how you do! Good Luck! Hope it helps! I bet it will!

Replied by Related2glory (Jujuland) on 02/21/2016

Hey there traveler! For every difficulty there is a relief!

Have hope and look for answers diligently.

  • Visit a Naturopathic clinic.
  • Breath fuller and deeper.
  • Exercise till failure.
  • Drink 1-2 bottles of water daily.
  • Eat dark green leafy vegetables daily.
  • Search for foods with high contents of vit-C/E/B12.
  • Eat foods with high contents of "Natural Magnesium" found with in it rather than Magnesium supplements.
  • Spice up your life with cayenne pepper in meals 2-3 times per weak.
  • Sleep no later than 10pm so that your liver/body may detox your body for an adequate amount of time.
  • This part's a must "Find and keep contact with uplifting people socially(eg. Community helpers, Spiritual healers/Teachers/Mystics/Sufi Masters/Friends who can uplift your mood and suggest beneficial additions to your life and work and increase passion in your profession or hobbies)
  • Clear your mind and heart from useless thoughts and paranoia at least twice a day and strengthen your "Reset Button" to take control of your OWN life.
  • Eat pomegranates 3 times a week or Whatever fits your budget.
  • Eat blueberries and dark colored fruits in abundance.
  • Add ginger within your tea early in the morning to get the body circulating corrected.
  • Eat 2-3 cloves of garlic per day to correct any thing wrong within your body "Powerful antioxidant"
  • Apple cider 1-2 times a week.
  • Eat medium rare grass fed cow meats.
  • Never eat from restaurants (cook your own foods).
  • Salads and green diets (vegan lifestyle) can help.
  • Avoid eating ALL processed foods including drinking of processed milk. Go to the source and drink "Raw Non-Gmo grass fed farm milk."
  • If any sugar is needed in your food only use "Raw brown sugar".

Even if you have to order it from online (because your health/body deserves it! ).

I hope you are healed and your difficulty is alleviated. Good luck and stay positive.

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