Seeking Cause for 10 Years of Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder

Posted By Zuz (Los Angeles) on 07/08/2020

Developed 24/7 depersonalization 10 years ago. I’ve never done drugs so I can rule that out as a cause. I’ve heard people say it’s linked to heavy metals, Lyme, inner ear disorders, Candida, lymph issues, anxiety.

Any insight would be so greatly appreciated.


Replied by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 07/09/2020

hi Zuz, I am a recovered multiple but I did not know until I was 58, (after decades of seeking answers), that I had split off persons. The alters (split off ones) job is to keep things from you so you can go on living. A person who does not split off from trauma before age 7 will not acquire the ability to split. It is a grace gift, like shock is. I have been in shock a few times. I had candida, lyme, emotional issues, trauma, spinal issues, mental issues, brain issues, pain, digestion inability...just name it and I was fighting it and myself for some reason.< I don't own that stuff anymore...I speak what I want, not what I have. netburstnet site by Grantley morris helped me get my parts back as I read about them, the alters realized I was ready to get them back . Now when I talk about it, people who have alters trying to keep their secrets, avoid me and people who are ready to heal, seek me out to find help. I don't know much, but I do know God is good no matter what our senses are telling us.My pain skyrocketed from puberty to 26 .At 26 I had a full blown nervous breakdown, I thought, but really it was a large person split off of me and went into the backdrop and I was left coping with a fragment of myself. I had smoked more pot than a reggae band and could out~swear ( inner rage comes out the mouth)the devil but he claims he doesn't swear : ) I did not smoke after 26 or take any drugs or swear after 24 when I had a toddler, by the grace of God .But the journey has shown me so many things . I am a weirdo, cause you can't go through that and not be weird. Hope I have given you some insights into yourself or those around you acting weird. Blessings, charity

Replied by Anon (Anon) on 07/09/2020

Charity, your story reminds me of a good friend. She has battled negative thoughts for a long time. It is like a person in her head constantly criticizing and belittling her. One day she woke up and the enemy immediately started in on her. She was so furious that she hadn't even begun her day and was already under attact that she determined to pray all day. She went online and found this video and began playing it nonstop. Her life has been much better ever since:

Atomic Power of Prayer

by Dr. Cindy Trimm

Here is a link to the Maine Hope Center my friend founded. Click the Blog link in the menu if you want to know more of her story:

There is something called a "chimera" which is an animal (or person) posessing two or more sets of DNA. It occurs when fertalized eggs fuse together. This could also explain experiences similar to your's - being one person with multiple spirits.


Replied by Anon (Anon) on 07/09/2020

Somebody could have put drugs in your drink without you knowing. Here's a blog that goes into the science of dissociative plants/drugs:

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