What Can I Do for Muscle Atrophy Due to Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Posted By Elizabeth (Old Orchard Beach, Me) on 08/18/2015


I asked my first question on this site last week and received great responses. Thank you.

My question today has to do with my muscles in my arms, and calves. (at least that is where it is most noticeable.) I weigh 98 lbs but always was in good physical condition until I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis 10 years ago.

I worked out regularly and had good muscle tone until about 5 years ago. I have read the posts on RA but did not seem to see one that addressed muscle atrophy. My calves seem to have dents in the sides where it should be muscular. My upper arms seem to be just loose skin. My muscles are sore all over. I cannot work out any more as it make me very sore. I have been to a neurologist and nothing was found other than Rheumatoid Arthritis. I know it can affect muscles, ligaments, and tendons as well as joints, but I am worried if it continues I will eventually feel weak. Anyone have any suggestions on something natural that will help me with this problem?


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/18/2015

Elizabeth, for starters you can try Epsom Salts baths for magnesium.

Replied by Art (California ) on 08/18/2015

Elizabeth, If you haven't tried the borax remedy yet, it might be worth considering along with lysine. These two may not do much for atrophied muscle, but they may help your RA and if they do that, you might rebuild muscle tissue through exercise which your RA is currently preventing you from doing. Check with your doctor first to see if this is something you can try.

Here are a couple of links that may be helpful:






Replied by James (Frostburg, Maryland) on 08/19/2015

Elizabeth, purchase some straight MSM, 1000 mg. capsules. Take 2 in the morning and 1 or 2 in the evening. Your pain will become greatly diminished inside of a day, allowing you to get back to normal life and exercising. MSM pretty much stops both forms of arthritis from advancing. MSM is classified as a 'food substance'; it's something your body will like and make use of for general maintenance.

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