What Can I Do for an Infected Spleen?

Posted By Michele (London) on 07/31/2015

I have anti-bodies in my blood that causes anaemia. A couple of years ago I had helicobacter which I felt was never treated properly. Recently a scan showed I had an enlarged spleen and told it is infected. I was hoping that you might know how I could cure this problem. Many thanks, Michele -London

Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/31/2015

Dear Michele,

I would try Vitamin C in high doses. If you have an infection, your body will use a lot of vitamin C. Once it has had enough, you will begin to get diarrhea. So start with 500-1000 mg a few times a day and continue to increase until you begin to get diarrhea then cut back a bit. Getting a powdered form of ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate would be the cheapest way to take a lot and you would avoid the additives that are often in the supplements.

I would also try Castor Oil Packs over the spleen area for a couple of hours each evening or overnight for a week or two.

Castor Oil Packs

~Mama to Many~


Replied by Mary (Usa) on 05/05/2016

Try Castor Oil packs over the area or your whole abdomen from side to side. Search for that, there is much on the internet and youtube on how to do it. You can do it every week until you feel better. Castor oil externally reduces internal inflammation and heals infections in the lymphatic system. I used it to dissolve an infected tumor behind my navel in 5 days after a tubal ligation (tied tubes). I use it for all kinds of infection.
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