What can help cure my mom of als

Posted By Melissa (Carencro, La) on 12/01/2014

Could you please let me know what natural remedy would be best to cure my mom of ALS?



Replied by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 12/02/2014

If my daughter contracted ALS, I would apply urine therapy, as per The Water of Life: A Treatise on Urine Therapy by J.W. Armstrong, which is available in pdf format, online, here.

I've studied natural healing for over 40 years, finding more and more effective forms of treatment, and UT is, by far, the most viable, and seems to work regardless of the illness or severity.

I've only recently come across a reference to ALS, in conjunction with it, and it seemed to be working, but the man moved away, so it is not known if he experienced a full recovery. That reference is at http://www.urinetherapy.in/casehistory.aspx

From the case studies I've read, I would have expected JW Armstrong's complete urine fast and massage to have achieved a much better and quicker result than the methods referred to on the reference site.

Wishing you and your mother the very best, Cindy


Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 12/02/2014

Cindy (Illinois USA)---

I fully and wholeheartedly agree with you. UT is supreme. For instance, when I use a rub down I feel so fresh and invigorated. The fasting is difficult for weakened bodies but can be done with liquid soups.

Urine removes obstacles in the subtle body and brightens the aura if one can train oneself to observe it. It takes an unfocused gaze, not a stare. Massaging the heart area is also very healthy to do. Otherwise coconut oil is a major remedy for the brain. See EC testimonies. One thing, one must stay away from meat, alcohol and drugs.

Namaste, Om


Replied by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 12/03/2014

Om (Hope, Bc Canada) -

I have to disagree regarding the weakness and the soup/food. Food is extremely difficult work for a weakened body, whereas urine appears to require no processing by the body, whatsoever. The body doesn't become weak because it is sick, it becomes weak because it is sacrificing strength to deal with a more immediate problem. Urine appears to either takeover the duties the body is sacrificing or do the work so the body can recover the systems it was sacrificing to do it itself.

Food isn't what we think it is. I don't know what it is, but if one can fast on urine and plain water for several months and come out the other side, not only fit, but also cured of serious illness, then food can neither be what we think it is nor do what we think it does.

Armstrong found a protocol that worked, and that's what he did. He found a protocol, the deviance from which either caused reversals or slowed operations way down.

I WOULD agree that fasting isn't always necessary and that anyone with "ordinary" complaints could clear them up, over time, by simply adding urine to their diet. But in a serious situation, I think fasting is necessary because there is no way of knowing exactly which systems or organs the body is sacrificing in its efforts to deal with the problem nor how close they are to being beyond repair.

With people who refused to fast for extended periods, IF Armstrong agreed to treat them at all, he would fast them in intervals ranging from one, two or three days to a week or more. He made those concessions, not because it was "good", but because it appeared they wouldn't do it otherwise, or couldn't be trusted to do it as prescribed.

He didn't do a whole lot of theorizing. He didn't have to - he'd found a protocol that worked. How it worked wasn't relevant to what he was doing. I've "supposed" and "considered", like everyone, but I still don't know how/why it works. What I DO know is that much of what people say about it is illogical and "feeding" a weak body makes zero sense, in light of the reported effects of urine fasting.


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