What Can Cure Ulcer on Toe Caused by Poor Circulation?

Posted By Sylvia (Uk) on 11/25/2015

Does anyone have any suggestion for a herbal lotion to cure a small ulcer on my toe? This is caused by poor circulation. Cold feet in winter do not help and I spend a lot of time outside. The toe broke out 2 weeks ago and will not heal!

I have put Echinacea Angustifolia tincture on it which normally nukes everything and anything that ever troubles me! But the sore has gone slightly bigger which is very weird. It weeps and won't dry up and scab over though there is no pus.

Of course it gets walked on every day for miles so I guess that doesn't help...but I have been very careful keeping it clean and put a fresh dressing on every day, and 2 pairs of socks (as it is winter here.) When it's cold it hurts like heck. When my circulation gets going after a couple of miles, then I can hardly feel it.

I was wondering about a lotion made with Golden Seal, Echinacea, and Myrrh. But Golden Seal is about the price of gold dust! But nevertheless if this doesn't get better in a few more days I shall try that lotion and make it myself.

I have heard of raw honey being a good ointment. Does anyone have experience of using it?


Replied by Jim (Frostburg, Md) on 11/27/2015

Comfrey, which can be ingested and also applied to the skin, helps wounds heal --If fresh you can use the sap from a leaf-stem; if dried, you can add a little hot water and wait for it to feel gelatinous and slippery- then apply that to the wound. It's a powerful herb which can be bought dried over the web.

More importantly, I will suggest you seek ways to improve your circulation. There are numerous ways to do so, from herbal teas to manipulation --even slapping the upper foot helps. I can recommend simple Yarrow tea (a teaspoon of dried yarrow in a cup of just-boiled water). Drink two cups a day, morning/evening. Some prescribe a couple of ginger capsules and say that works.

I am also a believer in taking a capsule of 120,000 U of serrapeptase daily and over a two or three-month period. It does seem to open the arteries. It's slow but in my own case it gave noticeable results after two-months. For inspiration, check out the reviews on Amazon.


Replied by Ji (Ontario, Canada) on 11/28/2015

To Sylvia (Uk) re ulcer on toe.

You have to realize that when your body has lots of toxins, it will push them out by any means possible. This means that wherever there is a weak spot or broken skin, it will use this opening as the easiest exit channel for waste material your blood is trying to get rid of. This is also why a wound scabs over. The best way to clear up your ulcer is to first work on detoxing your body, and then you can treat the wound. You said it yourself that you have poor circulation; ie. blood loaded with waste products that it can't get rid of as fast as necessary.


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