Went to 3 ents for voice issues

Posted By Pinku (Paoli, Pa/usa) on 04/27/2012

I have a voice disorder problem. I went to 3 ENT and a Gastro guy. They all told me I do not have any problem. They wanted me to take Prilosec. Since I had lost my beautiful sharp voice I was ready to take anything so I tried Prilosec for 3 months and nothing happened. I have a hard time starting a sentence, Once I start then I am ok. But my voice is not clear it is raspy and people have a hard time understanding me. If I leave a message on voice mail, it sounds like someone is crying. Can someone please help or advise. Thanks!

Replied by Steve (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 04/27/2012

It is very possible that your cervical neck vertebrae #5 and #6 are out of alignment. This pinches on the nerves that go to the vocal cords. A chiropractor or good energy healer can get them back in alignment if they are out. The other possibility is laryngitis in which case gargling with 10ppm colloidal silver 3x per day would be effective.

Replied by Mary (Toronto, Canada) on 04/27/2012

I used to lose my voice completely, each time I catch a cold or flu couple of years ago. It was really scary because what came out were like bear roaring noises, not one intelligible word or just a couple of letters. I didn't have the throat pain necessarily. This was happening in the morning when I wake up. The magic remedy for me was a mix of black radish with honey or sugar. You can either make a mixture - like a syrup - of let's say equal parts with your food processor, or make a pot out of a black radish, no need to peal it, cut a top as a lid, next, scoop couple of tea spoons of the middle out and add sugar or honey in place, cover it and leave it over night, or leave it for more than 6 hours if you choose to prepare it over the day. Take one or two tea spoons of the syrup as necessary, you can't drink or eat after for one hour so take the syrup after you ate. It really works and I could have a regular day with almost no signs of disturbing voice. I tried this remedy only for throat pain but it doesn't have the same results.

Hope it helps!


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