Water faucet for nose and constant mucus condition

Posted By Cindy Wright (North Little Rock, Ar) on 06/01/2013

I have a water faucet for a nose. The left side runs real bad. If I bend my head down it will run or if I bend my head back it will run down my throat. Any change in my head movement will cause my nose to run. The doctors did a cat scan as well as a MRI and said that I had an environmental allegories. Nothing has come close to stopping this and my nose is getting very sensitive from all the blowing and wiping. What can I do to stop this? Is there something I can take? Please help!!!

Replied by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/02/2013

Try cutting out dairy for 3 weeks. Dairy is known to increase mucous production.

Replied by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/02/2013

Also, you could have sinusitis. Especially if it is only/worse on one side. Try a neti pot. Here is EC's section on sinusitis. https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/chronic_sinusitis.html

Replied by Tim (Cincinnati, Oh) on 06/02/2013

When I get seasonal allergies I take 2000-3000mg of MSM twice per day and that calms the symptoms down.

Replied by David (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 06/02/2013

I advocate the use of colloidal silver at high ppm levels squirted by sniffing into the sinus passages or better use an ear syringe to gently squirt into the passages. One side is usually more dominately infected than the other. I make my own and have done so for many, many years. Squirt into the sinus on the worst side: expect to feel it sting. Then do the other side. It will sting but not so bad. Repeat in fifteen minutes. If the infection is from a "mean" virus (lipid coated) you might have to attack it for a number of days with four or five applications daily. Sometimes the virus is hiding in the eustacian tubes so if the infection persists, apply silver solution to the ears, again using an ear syringe. So by squirting into ears and sinus you will get all of the eustacian passage. I get infected ten or fifteen times yearly, and before silver it always lasted many days or weeks. Yes, I could have a "cold" a third of the year. Not so for the past 18 years. I knock out the infection in a matter of minutes.

Replied by Amy (Los Angeles, Ca.) on 06/02/2013

What helps me with constant mucus is a netti pot filled with warm water and 4 or 5 drops of apple cider vinegar. Flush both nostrils with this solution into the upper sinuses. I try this whenever I have a mucus problem. I have had no side effects.

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