Unwanted Weight Loss on Candida Diet

Posted By KK (Alberta) on 03/13/2021

Greetings. 31 year old male here. I am on the Candida diet for over 8 weeks now. I've been having numerous problems after the die off. My digestion is extremely poor(it has been for years). I have lost a lot of weight. I feel frail and skinny. I have no idea how to maintain my weight on this diet. I have been absolutely exhausted lately with almost no desire to get out of bed and cook for myself anymore. Seem to be having lots of allergies. Waking up every morning with big dark circles under my eyes. I have definite mineral and vitamin absorption problems. My fingernails are very brittle with vertical ridges on them. I can't stop biting and picking at them.

I'm under a lot of stress. No job, living on government employment insurance. Just filed for bankruptcy. Running out of money. I've bought a lot of things that Ted suggests. I feel like I have killed most of the Candida and removed most heavy metals but now I am very skinny (149 lbs at 5'10") I was 163 lbs a few months ago. I had a lot of muscle from working the last few months (lost my job in December) and now I'm losing all my muscle. I've had poor digestion for years and been very skinny since 2017. People often comment on my appearance.

I just don't know what to do. I'm really starting to run out of steam. My body does not digest fats well. I've had loose stools that are not very brown for years. Undigested food in my stool. Taking out carbs is really bad for me because I don't digest fats well. Almonds and nuts go right through me.

I'm so sick and tired of being so unhealthy. I've been following alkalizing protocols for while now and it just doesn't seem to work. I have really bad allergies. So tired and exhausted all the time. I honestly have no idea what to do anymore. I've spent so much money and I'm running out of money. I just want to fix my digestion and know what it feels like to be nourished again. It's been so long since I've been healthy... I eat clean and healthy so I don't understand what to do.

Exhausted, tired, and running out of steam. This is so stressful and frustrating. I have no energy to do anything and it feels like the days are just flying by and I'm accomplishing absolutely nothing. I purchased an English teaching course 6 weeks ago and I haven't even started it because I have no motivation. My dental health has suffered alot the last few years. And especially since I started this diet. It seems my teeth have erupted in plaque and small cavities since I started eating this diet. I have no health insurance to see a dentist.

I know this is a large list of problems. But someone please help me. I am in utter agony and I am very concerned about my health and I feel like I am running out of time and options.

I also want to start taking humic acid but I don't know where to find affordable stuff. I heard on here at EC you can take gardening stuff (the black granules) but it's hard to know if it's safe or how much to take. Currently looking online.

I have many good supplements and remedies in my cupboard but digestion is so poor that it seems like I absorb none of them.

Thanks for your time.
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Replied by GertJr (Madison) on 03/14/2021

KK in Alberta: not all the protocols work for all the people. I have ibs-d and people recommend all raw, which just kills me. Eat what you need to eat to get healthy, even if it isn't part of the protocol. Start slow with single items and watch for reactions. If good, continue; if not, stop. I know that I need to eat carbs or my digestion gets worse, so I eat carbs. I try to eat the 'right' carbs, as in ancient grains, but that doesn't always work. Good luck.
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Replied by Chris (Florida ) on 03/14/2021

I would first work on your digestion issues to stabilize your weight problem. Buy some digestive enzymes..they work well. Also, regarding your Candida issue...following a diet is all good and well, but if you basically just stay away from sugar and add Caprylic acid (2 800 mg capsules morning and evening) that should eliminate it. If you are still having problems, you need to add proteolytic enzymes to your regimen as well.

Also, if you are not already taking them, you need to be taking a good probiotic (100 billion CFU at least) to avoid an intestinal imbalance while you are taking care of the Candida. Make sure you are taking a good mineral supplement. After you make these changes, you should begin to regain your health and can then address other issues.

I would not take any gardening products at all.

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Replied by Jan (Australia) on 03/14/2021

Candida is a serious problem that most doctors treat with antibiotics which is the wrong way to go. Antibiotics just make Candida worse. Have you checked the pH of your body? Your story seems very similar to mine however I have never had Candida. The first thing I would do is bring your pH into line, Bi-Carbonate of Soda can help with this, 1/2 teaspoon in water in the morning, stir well and drink. Look for Dr. Sircus, his book on Bi-Carbonate of Soda it is on the internet, he goes into Candida thoroughly.
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Replied by Jan (CA) on 03/14/2021

Hi kk!

I strongly encourage you to go to homeopath Joette Calabrese 's website and just start reading everything. Start with her blogs and podcasts about allergies and her life before she found homeopathy. (Use the search function on her home page). Also read all the comments after each article as She answers questions, and other people often provide info on something they used successfully. Joette was in a similar health situation of chronic illness despite using many supplements and eating what she was told was the appropriate diet/s and mentions it frequently. She also does a Monday night facebook live.

She teaches what she calls Practical Homeopathy that is protocol based and that anyone can learn so they can accurately and easily treat most conditions that present.

She offers many different courses, but they are usually a few hundred dollars each. However, she also provides a great many FREE protocols on her website to help as many people as possible.

You will never go broke using homeopathy! If your condition is long standing, it may take months of treatment to fully recover. But homeopathy will uproot the condition completely with use of the correct remedy protocols.

Note: once you find the protocol/protocols to use, I suggest you order them from a homeopathic pharmacy such as Washington Homeopathics where you can purchase a vial of remedy pellets that has a large number of doses in it to maximize your treatment dollars. In the meantime, UK based Urenus has been offering a number of their remedies on Amazon Prime here in the US, tho I have no idea the offering in Canada. If you don't have Amazon Prime, then stick with Washington Homeopathics or any Canada-based homeopathic pharmacy that offers large multidose remedy vials. If you sign up for HM's newsletter, they should send you a coupon for 20% off your next order so wait for that before ordering as it may take a few days. Boiron and others who offer their remedies in the dial a dose tubes are all excellent if you need to get something right away as they are readily available. But they won't serve you well for long term use as the standard tube of 80 pellets provides only 16 doses vs 250 doses of WH, 66 doses of Urenus (per vial of pellets). When using these homeopathic protocols, you will be using repeated doses typically one or more times per day. Also, some remedy protocols call for a remedy in a non typical potency, such as 3c or 12x. Some homeopathic pharmacies, such as Urenus, only offer remedies in 4 potencies, while places like WH offer a great many potencies.

Make sure that you read as much as possible on Joette's website as she explains how to properly handle, store and use remedies - which is very imoortant! Especially to keep them away from all Wi-Fi devices, microwaves, and computers as these will deactivate the remedies, as will peppermint.

If your extensive search of Joette's website doesn't give you what you need (I think it will! :-), then try the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation website. They have a free to most clinic at which you can get a virtual appointment with Whatsapp. Joette studied there and based her Practical Homeopathy on Banerji Protocols which 3 generations of Drs. Banerji developed over years of treating literally thousands of patients each week at their clinics in Kolkata, India.



Instructions for getting a consultation at the Banerji clinic are at the bottom of the homepage.

Good luck to you!

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Replied by Pam (Northland) on 03/14/2021

Never known this to fail for any gut problem.

Take one apple (Organic or spray free) and cut it into small pieces cook in enough water to cover till soft.

Leave the skin on for quercitin and you can use pips as well if you wish

FRESHLY grind 2 Tablespoons Flaxseed/Linseed

Remove apple and put into a soup bowl, stir in freshly ground flaxseed.

Optional add organic blackstrap molasses for minerals and teaspoon Moringa powder for nutrients

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Replied by Tessa (Okanagan) on 03/14/2021

Hi KK from Alberta –

I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through.

Did your doctor give you any information at all when you were tested for candida?

Just today I received a newsletter from Dr. Sircus who mentions candida and mercury levels.


Here’s an excerpt:

  • Mercury can wreak havoc in the body, especially the vapors from mercury dental fillings, which can feed bacteria, fungi, and yeasts that thrive on mercury. In "The Yeast Syndrome, " written by Dr. Trowbridge, he states that some doctors specializing in candida treatment see 98% of their chronic Candida patients also tend to have mercury toxicity.

Dr. Sircus also mentions the importance of intracellular magnesium.

Signs of severe magnesium deficiency include:

o Extreme thirst

o Extreme hunger

o Frequent urination

o Sores or bruises that heal slowly

o Dry, itchy skin

o Unexplained weight loss

o Blurry vision that changes from day to day

o Unusual tiredness or drowsiness

o Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet

o Frequent or recurring skin, gum, bladder, or vaginal yeast infections

Dr. Sircus noted that these symptoms are also the signs of diabetes. Just to be on the safe side, have you had your insulin checked?

As for digestion, Dr. Eric Berg (a favourite of many) has many good videos on getting your digestion back on track. Here is one:

Digestion Process Explained By Dr.Berg


All his videos on YouTube are well worth checking out.

You might be interested in a book by Trudy Scott about the role between anxiety and food.

It’s hard to figure out what to do when you are exhausted and besieged with anxiety about finances, health, etc.

The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings


Read the reviews – interesting comments.

It’s a popular book. You might be able to check it out from the library. Some places do inter-library loans so if it isn’t in your library, ask the librarian to get it from another one in Alberta.

There are many good tips on dental care here on Earth Clinic.

Here’s a link that contains a DIY alkalizing mouthwash recipe.


Oil pulling is excellent for so many things:


Take things slowly KK.

You have a lot to deal with so it’s probably best if you focus on one thing at a time. That candida diet you are on may not be best for you at this time.

Once you get your digestion working properly, then you can try different foods, diets, supplements knowing that you will be absorbing them.

Best of luck. I’m sure others will add to this.

Take care,


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Replied by Pamela S. (Houston ,Texas) on 03/15/2021

Had the same thing happen to me. I started the candida diet but was having problems before that. Finally, I went to an Endocrinologist doctor and it turned out I had hyperthyroidism. I thought I was going to lose my mind. Couldn't even get off the couch. Lost 20 lbs near the end I was losing 1 lb a day. 1 week on the medicine he prescribed I am feeling better. Plus I was taking Xanax to help with stress which now I don’t need anymore. I am not saying this is your problem. Read up on symptoms of hyperthyroid and see if it fits you. Usually two weeks on a candida diet you should feel better. In my opinion, something may be amidst.

Replied by Raquelle (New Zealand ) on 03/15/2021

Hello, just read this and it really is quite an array of issues. I think there are some really good ideas for you here coming through. I am wondering with all the remedies on here if you have done any energy work. I'm just trying to dig a little deeper and see if you are open to exploring a little further.

I was trying to think of some ways to get help to you, it sounds kind of scary when it gets down to not much help financially. I was thinking we could start to figure out some ways to help you out. ie ... I know an amazing dental health treatment here in Nz and I could send it over to you. For starters. But I would love to know more on your idea of energetical work, might be worth a shot. Your welcome to email me,

Kind regards

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Replied by Leah (New England) on 03/15/2021

I see you have received a lot of good advice. Let me add one small thing that will make a big difference. Buy a bottle of Swedish Bitters and take as directed. Your health will return. And this old Granny will offer up a prayer for you. God bless.
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Replied by Frank McLean (Thunder Bay, ON, CA) on 03/23/2021

On Jim Humble's website, candida is one of the things that MMS treats. There are testimonials to that effect under MMS.

The link to Jim's website is:


You can find out all you need to know about MMS and how to make it there. You can buy MMS for about $20 per bottle. Jim's books are cheap as well about $20.

I hope this helps.


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