Undiagnosed mystery pain

Posted By Sonja (Florida, US) on 01/31/2015

This is day 3 of having a continuous pain. Day one started with a dull pain in my right upper back. Day 2 pain gradually increased and also hurts in front. By front, I mean if you put your fingers in the middle of your chest/rib cage, and move a few inches to the right. Under breast. 24 hours after pain began, it was so bad, that I could not take a full breathe or lie down comfortably. I went to ER. They said it sounded like my gallbladder. They did an ultrasound, blood work , and urinalysis. Only results was white blood count was a little high, but dr said nothing to worry about. Everything else was negative. I also told them that most issues that I have are caused by constipation. So they gave me a laxative and I walked out still in pain.

Next suggestion someone gave me was to try a chiropractor. Maybe I had a bruised rib or spasms, went to chiropractor, and because of the white blood cell numbers on my ER paperwork, he said he didn't think there was anything he could do. He suggested I go to a regular physician. Since then, today I just did a water enema, followed by a coffee enema, about 2 hours ago. I haven't taken pain meds all day. Pain is much tolerable but it's still there. This is how I describe what it feels like. I swallow food/drink and instantly feel something in that area in the front. Feels like a spasm or like a baby moving around but painful. Last night I fell asleep with a heating pad in front, and woke up and only back hurt. There were a few times that I was convinced that it was over. After I drank baking soda water, I thought it was completely gone, but then it comes back. The end. If it doesn't go away now, I don't know what else to do. Feeling mentally exhausted, fed up and want to go back to normal.


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/01/2015

Sonja, first go to the doctor and get a diagnosis. Then decide what to do from there.

Replied by James (Frostburg, Md) on 02/01/2015

Due to your description of the pain, location and the speed of onset after eating I'm still thinking a blocked bile duct from your gallbladder. Check out Earthclinic's gallbladder cleanse -- should also obtain and sip some aloe-vera and papaya juice as mentioned under Pancreatitis.

Replied by Steve (Nevada, US) on 02/01/2015

It might be worth trying an epsom salt liver/gallbladder flush. Add 1 TBSP of epsom salt to a warm glass of water, lay down on your right side with legs pulled up for an hour or two. If you have any blockages in liver or gallbladder this will help relieve it quickly. There are many times where sludge or certain types of liver or gall stones will not show up on an ultrasound so this may be very helpful. There are other ways to cleanse this liver/GB such as olive oil and lemon juice together. Sounds like additional cleansing would be helpful. Sometimes it takes many tries to get complete relief.

Replied by Sammie (Las Vegas, NV) on 02/01/2015

Have you had your gallbladder looked at? Gallbladder problems can cause all those symptoms, and is often overlooked.

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