Need Help Healing 10 Year Old Tongue Ulcers

Posted By Nelda (South Carolina) on 03/25/2023

I have two red spots on my tongue, one on the tip of my tongue and one on the side. They are irritating and a little sore. I've been living with them for about 10 years...I was told they are Tongue Ulcers. What can I do to heal them? I would love to have a normal tongue.

Replied by Hollyhock (America ) on 03/27/2023

When I get a sore on my tongue, I dab a little iodine on it a few times a day until it heals. Also I would swish my mouth with colloidal silver for several minutes.
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Replied by HisJewel (New York) on 03/30/2023


Healthline may have your answer.

Excerpt : "Mouth ulcer treatment

Most mouth ulcers don’t need treatment.

However, if you get mouth ulcers often or they’re extremely painful, a number of treatments and home remedies can decrease pain and healing time. These include:

  • covering the ulcer with a paste made from baking soda
  • using other topical pastes
  • placing milk of magnesia on the ulcer
  • using a mouth rinse made from salt water and baking soda
  • using a mouth rinse that contains a steroid to reduce pain and swelling
  • applying ice to the ulcer
  • placing a damp tea bag on the ulcer
  • taking supplements if you have deficiencies in certain nutrients, including vitamin B9 (folate), vitamin B12, zinc, and iron
  • using over-the-counter topical products that are made with benzocaine, like Orajel and Anbesol
  • trying natural remedies, such as echinacea, myrrh, and licorice root (may come in various forms, like teas or oils)"
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