Posted By Chandu766 (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/17/2012

My husband has had endoscopy done twice in 3 years and they did not find ulcers. But he burps all day long, no matter what he eats and when he eats. Doctors say, it is acid reflux and hence asked him to discontinue wheat, milk, potatoes, tomatoes etc, which we are doing. We are strict vegetarians. We follow very simple diet with fruits and vegetables and soups yet my husband feels heaviness in his stomach and burps really bad all day long.... Could this be H Pylori??? Please advice.
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Replied by Eclinicrocks (Jonesboro, Arkansas) on 03/20/2012

This sounds like the problem my uncle was having. He constantly belched all day long and nothing really helped. We went to a local naturopathic doctor and he told us to have him eat "cornmeal mush" a couple times a day. That stopped the belching in just 2 or 3 days. Search for the recipe online. It is kind of like porridge. He ate it warm and cold both. Hope it will help you.
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Replied by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 03/20/2012

Chandu766, Could it be that he is not getting enough complete protein for his needs. I have observed some need more than others when the body is trying to heal something. I'm not suggesting that you add meat or such. When I say complete protein I mean when you mix 2 incomplete proteins together to get all the necessary amino acids. The 3 groups being: pulses; grains/seeds; nuts. You probably already know this though. The other thing that may help is adding fermented veggies to his diet.
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