Teeth clenching caused cracking of molar

Posted By Chopsewyee (Anchorage, Alaska) on 08/30/2012

Last night was the first night that I ever 'experienced' teeth clenching (that I can remember that is). I woke up in the midle of the night and vagely remember me clenching my teeth. I went back to bed and never thought of it again until I was driving to work and rubbed my tongue on the inside top molar and noticed that I felt what I think is a crack. I quickly checked the other side but it didn't feel like that at all; felt smooth - like a tooth should be. Then I noticed some discomfort and pain radiating around the molar that is 'cracked'. Problem is, I have no dental insurance and hardly any money to get it checked out. I'm so afraid of the dentists already (had countless of bad experiences) that this situation is really putting high anxiety on me. I'm so stressed that this is happening and no way for me to fix it that I'm also afraid to now sleep due to the research I read stating stress could be a cause of this happening in the first place :( I'm not sure what to do but I wish at this point someone would just take the tooth out!! Any ideas or advice for me that someone would like to share?!

Replied by Cathy (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 08/30/2012

Hi, I feel your pain, I recently had to have a lot of dental work, as I was clenching my teeth in my sleep and had lost a crown, then fractured a tooth. I also had dental phobia, but had no choice really.. It turns out I have Sjorgren's Syndrome, and one of the symptoms is excessively dry mouth, which causes cavities, bad breath, sometimes mouth sores (haven't had those yet, thankfully). I did have dental insurance, but it doesn't cover a lot of the expense. Luckily I did find a good caring dentist, who was willing to work with me and let me pay off over time. I hope you can find someone like that, because regardless of the cause, your teeth will continue to deteriorate, if you don't get them attended to. Your mouth health is very important, so please ask around, look online, whatever you can do, to find someone who can help you. I had to have two teeth removed and a new bridge replacement, but as I said, a good dentist will want to help and will hopefully let you pay a bit at a time. Hope this helps, will keep good thoughts for you!

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