Posted By Bo (Boulder, Co, Usa ) on 04/21/2010

ny name is Bo, male diagnosed with ALS in 08. I walk only with support and arms and hands are weak. I have seen comments to cure which include:

Clove Oil
Humic Acid

i find the dosage and time of use unclear. Could you for each remedy specify dosis short term (approximately how many days) and long term (approximately how many months) or dosis for the rest of my life. Thank you so much for taking time to reply.

Replied by Ted (Bankok, Thailand) on 05/18/2010

Bo, the important element in ALS is the lysine and l threonine. Normal dose are 1000 mg, during a peculiar severe ALS initially or it's advancement, it's taken hourly dose, which is most critical to getting rid of the virus that's infecting the ALS. The minimum dose should be no less then 500 mg and higher dose is 1500 mg. It's important that hourly dose is used for at least 6 hours. In the beginning, I prefer hourly doses for 12 doses and maintained for at least a month. As for humic acid is taken as a drinking water at preferably 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per liter of drinking water. This will remove the excitotoxin from the system. As for clove oil it's commonly given in initial stages of ALS, where it is applied in arms and hand every 3 hours for only a couple of days, for about 3-6 applications per day, more might be needed if the positive effects wanes down. I believe lysine, threonine, clove oil and methylene blue were critical elements in stopping the ALS progession. A lot more effect I believe is to reverse the condition to normal through the use of Asian pennyworth, or centella asiatica, and perhaps colloidal silver to help regeneration of the nerves. I haven't quite obtain colloidal gold here due to mail restrictions in obtaining liquids, but maybe potentially important in regeneration of the nerves, especially of the motor nerves. Most of my effort is not in stopping of ALS, that's easily taken care off easily with lysine, threonine and methylene blue protocol, the problems I have now is the regeneration of the nerves so that the person can be normal. The military crackdown here isn't helping either in getting the needed supplements as businesses are closed now.

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