Ted and others help requested for mystery diagnosis

Posted By Arizonagal (Prescott Az) on 08/08/2013

This is a question for Ted and others. I am 63, 5'5", 125 lbs., had a 10 week sickness in 2010 after that had uti's /cystitis bloody sometimes for 3 yrs... Drs gave me antibiotics making it all worse. Was very active before that sedentary after that. Have lost 20 lbs on low carb diet I did not want to lose. No proof of diabetes. Dad died at 64 of colon cancer. Lots of cancer in family. Been taking parasite killers/ candida killers for about 10 months. Doing Hulda Clark weekly maintenance prog for parasites. Did 1st liver cleanse a wk ago got small green stones soft w sticky stuff inside. Yesterday still w enema stones coming out some were white and hard. Lifelong constipated. Last colonoscopy one and a half yrs ago. Dr said IBS. On Bieler's Broth really helps with constant INFLAMMATION PAIN I assume from waste from parasites and candida waste. Believe it is systemic fungal infection. Took h2o2 bath for 40 min 3 months ago, also MSM, and ate watermelon had bad diarrhea for 4 days with red chaff floating on top of water stool very mucous filled. Had that one other time a month ago after eating watermelon again. 3 people have told me I inadvertently did a cleanse and found out that red substance was bile chaff. Can be any color. Taking LAURICIDIN as of yesterday.... And the EPI-shield antibiotic ointment. Still feel like I have a yeast infection. Nurse practitioner said I did... GYN said I did not have yeast infection yet the outside area is all swelled, red and irritated and this has been going on for over 2 months. INFLAMMATION is the worst of it... causes burn in urine, vag and formerly stool but that part is better now. I am thinking that I may be so plugged up with stones that I read the stuff in the gall bladder may be super thick and oozing out between the stones and just causing all this HORRIBLE INFLAMMATION. only way I can escape it is drinking 1/4 tsp sea salt in 4 oz water takes away pain for several hrs then it comes back. sometimes take baking soda. IT ALWAYS COMES BACK. drink about close to gallon of water a day.

DO I NEED TO GET ON ALKALINE WATER OR GET A WATER IONIZER? BLADDER IS BURNING NOW only way I can stop it is to GO TAKE ANOTHER ENEMA........ HOW CAN I GET THIS BURNING STOPPED???? IT HAS BEEN 3 YRS OF THIS AND THE FLARES NOW ARE BACK TO BACK AND I NEVER GET ANY REST FROM THIS! I want my life back! I am lifting weights trying to gain weight back. Need to know how to gain weight too with no carbs and no sugar???? please help..... I want to be active again......... Have a gentleman friend up north who would love to meet me and I can't even go do that.......... Have had him waiting for over a year! Please HELP ME WITH THIS INFLAMMATION......... I have tried everything. I am sure it is parasite/maybe bacterial related....fungus.


Replied by Mike Giller (Denver, Colorado) on 08/08/2013

Arizonagal, I am not a pro. I was a stiff and sore frail old man. My goal was to get well. I did after 6 years. I am a slow learner. I can try to doctor you. For energy take coconut oil. Look at my earlier in the day post, reply to turmeric, and follow the instructions. I forgot to say to pour the mixture from the blender into a plastic container. The microbes that repopulate the gut are not fond of antibiotics. Make smoothies from organic baby leaves. Remove the cellulose. Drink frequently. The more the merrier with this remedy. Go to the company I mentioned in the earlier reply. Get some Hawaiian spirulina. Take as much of this as you can afford with 1 oz. Per day of organic tomato paste. Take frequently. Also get some absorbable colostrum 21oz. Take at least 10 grams of that per day. Try to get some eggs from pastured hens. Eat those raw. The yolks should be firm and orange. Do not grind them up in the blender or stir with a fork. Get some nascent iodine that has been stabilized with alcohol 3.3oz. Put 2 drops in a tsp. of water and let dissolve through the gums every 2 hours. Get some black chia seeds 4 pack. Take 60 grams a day.

If you experience a severe detox reaction stop taking the products and continue taking the water. When the detox reaction subsides start back up again at a lower dose. At the asian market get non gmo red miso 1 kg. $6. Take 30 grams or more per day. The idea of this program is to simultaneously nourish the cells, detox the poisons, kill the pathogens, repair the tissues, increase the antioxidants, and repopulate the digestive tract with beneficial microbes. You can reply for clarification.


Replied by Kt (Usa) on 08/09/2013

Hi Arizonagal--I am 65, 5' tall and 100 lbs. Before I was pregnant I was constipated all the time. Both of my babies ('84 & '86) were breech but only one was caesarean. I am full of adhesions due to multiple surgeries. I had been diagnosed with IBS several years ago. I could not get my weight under 108 for several years. For someone at my height, that is a lot. I had constant yeast/bladder infections and placed on several antibiotics.

I believe constipation/IBS is really intussusception. Picture an opened telescope filled with silly-putty, then close it up. The "telescoping" of bowels can occur from the stomach to the anus. I believe this "toxic bowel" contributes to the problem with candida. Stagnant food ferments and I believe results in gangrene/cancer. I had cervical cancer diagnosed in 1989. I had been married eight years and neither of us had been unfaithful. My grandmother died from colon cancer at 62. I was supposed to have had four colonoscopies but evidence strongly suggests the last two were not performed. I am through with gastroenterologists. I feel we are all on our own to find out what will work for us because the medical profession is not keeping up with what is happening to our food supply. Our food is being engineered to last longer and GMO's (genetically modified organisms) are in everything we eat, in one way or another.

This is just my opinion from what I have experienced.

I have learned that turmeric and ginger reduce inflammation. Various sources of hidden MSG can cause inflammation. When I had so much inflammation in my hands that my fingers spit, I drank 1/2 tsp turmeric in warm water and the reduction of my finger inflammation subsided. MIRACLE... I sprinkle turmeric and ginger on just about everything I eat and try to avoid sources of MSG.

This is a rushed commentary that I hope gives you some help.


Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 08/10/2013

Dear Arizonagal, Hi! I have been thinking about your condition and suffering for a couple of days--and it keeps putting me in mind of a few things I would try. They may sound too simple, yet I have seen some amazing results from simple remedies at times. And I know some others have given some ideas. I hope you find just the right combination of things to help you!

Anyway, here are some thoughts...

I keep thinking your body has been through a lot with the detoxing you have been doing and may need some rest from that with some gentle but effective remedies... Slippery Elm is very nourishing and healing to the digestive system. It helps with diarrhea and constipation since it is regulating. You can get the powder and mix it with warm water and a little cinnamon and sea salt if you like and have a couple of tablespoons a few times a day.

Comfrey/Plantain tea- you may have to buy the loose herbs and make a tea and try to drink a quart a day. (Steep 2 T. herb in 1 quart boiling water. (Don't keep boiling.) Let it steep for 15 minutes. Strain and sweeten and drink through the day. These are healing to the digestive and urinary system. I would do this for a week.

You can also make this tea and use it it 15 minutes a day (2-3 times a day) as a sitz bath. you could add a few drops of tea tree and lavender essential oils to it.

Charcoal is also very helpful for pain and inflammation. You could take 1 T. In 8oz. of water once a day (not within 2 hours of any prescription medication as it absorbs poisons.)

Also, do you know how your thyroid is doing? The body won't heal well if your thyroid isn't working well. You might look into that and try Lugol's iodine. There is a lot of info. on earth clinic about it.

Let us know how you are doing!
~Mama to Many~


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