Symptoms include side pain and high ketones

Posted By Cedar Woman (Middle Tn, Us) on 01/09/2015

I am trying to figure out what I have going on. Last night I started having right abdominal/ flank pain. Achy crampy feeling under the ribs into my side and all the way to the hip sometimes. I am an otherwise healthy 30 yr old female. mild aches in this area are not odd for me, but last night it was quite a bit worse than normal. It felt better while laying down and it was painful to get up and walk. It's less intense today but pains still here. Based on symptoms and location it could be my gallbladder, appendix or kidney stones. No fever present.

In addition to my symptoms I also did a urine test strip last night and had some things that were abnormal. My ketones were high and there was a small amount of blood.

Ketones were in the 80+ mg/dl range and blood was 5-10 Ery/?L (yellow with green spots on test strip). Blood sugar was absent from urine.

I woke this morning, side pain still there. Was feeling shaky and week so I ate some oatmeal and raisins. Started feeling better then felt a little nausea. Checked urine again this morning ketones were in the 160 mg/dl range, blood the same. After eating the ketones were still high and sugar showed up in the 250 + mg/dl range. Then ketones dropped and then the sugar dropped until they were both normal in my urine. Now everything is in normal range except I still have blood in urine and currently show a little protein in urine. Protein is between 15 and 30 mg/dl. My right side is still colicky.

Anyone have any ideas as to what's going on?


Replied by Cedar Woman (Middle Tn) on 01/10/2015

An far my ketones and urine sugar are not showing on the urine test, but I am still having a little blood show up. And a sometimes a small amount of protein. I am still having the aches but they are mild. Most the time I can forget they are there. So I guess I have something going on with my kidney, but still not sure what. Tonight makes the third night since the aching and the blood showed up.

I have taken urine tests in the past here and there and never had these issues before although the side aches were quite common for me.


Replied by Kirsty (Sheffield) on 05/08/2017

Currently going through the same thing regarding aches and keytones level. The ache seems to worsen in specific​ positions or at the end of a deep breath in. Did you manage to find out what was going on? 😖

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