Suffering from chronic systemic candidiasis

Posted By Holly (Toronto, CA) on 02/24/2015

After giving birth to my first child, during which time I was given extremely large doses of IV antibiotics, I have suffered for years from systemic candidiasis. Thousands of dollars spent on health food store remedies, naturopathoc doctors. I've had two miscarriages and the clock is ticking. I need to get rid of this fungas. I've had a permanent rash on my neck, itchy armpits and inner thighs and ears, tongue thrush, bloating, constipation, eyesight decay..... the worst is the brain fog and inability to concentrate on anything, not to mention extreme fatigue. My thyroid has been problematic, with TSH of 0.02, when it should be between 3-5, and my magnesium and potassium mineral levels in my blood blood tests showed total depletion. My GP doesn't believe in candidiasis, so I've forked out so much money is natural remedies that never seem to work long term. I need a real, permanent solution. I've done the candida diet, but as soon as I have one thing not approved, after restraining for month, the candida comes back with a vengeance. I need a real solution to finally kill this candida. Nothing seems to last long term...

Replied by Timh (KY) on 02/25/2015

H: After reading Dr Shallenberger's case for Mitochondrial disease or decay, your condition seems a perfect match. Heavy short-term or light long term pharmaceutical medication, plus aging, have a damaging effect on our cells Mitochondria (the energy factories). Where there is Mitochondrial decay there is a shortage of energy, where there is a shortage of energy there is a shortage of Oxygen, where there is a shortage of Oxygen there is chronic infections and diseases that do not respond to treatment.

First order of business is improving energy production. In specific take a good Multivitamin/mineral plus combination of Chromium / Niacin + Niacinamide or Inositolhexoniacinate / Cinnamon to prevent sugars from forming into candida. For immediate restoration of Mitochondria take the fallowing supplements: Quercetin, Pyrronoquinoline Quinone (PQQ), Melatonin (prior to retiring). B-12/Folic Acid plus DMG will help. For further info check out the book Bursting With Energy by Dr Shallenberger. Potent antioxidant nutrients like Grapeseed, Acia, Mangostein, and Pine Bark extracts will help.

After a few weeks of this you should have much better success killing the candida, but you may still need advanced therapies like Lipospheric Vit-C + MSM, and/or Zapping + Colloidal Silver. If biofilms have formed in your body you will need to take Turpentine (which is also a powerful antifungal).

Bill from Philippines devotes an entire chapter to the importance of Iodine and Thyroid correction remedies in his book Candida: Killing So Sweetly. The amino acid Tyrosine will improve thyroid and energy production in general so to try it.

Please report your response and good luck.


Replied by Holly (Toronto, CA) on 03/04/2015

Hi TimH

Thanks for your post....I have since found and read Bill's book. FINALLY, I can see what has been the problem in my recovery from this's the mature biofilms. I've used the protease enzymes in the past, but now have learned that they are slow dissolving, which means I probably didn't take them long enough to really get through all the mature biofilms.

I've purchased the items on the total protocol from the Candida book and will be starting them once they arrive.

Over the last month, I've been using 25 drops of 35% food grade H202 in 6 oz H20 internally 3/day, in conjunction with protease enzymes and the lemon alkalizing solutions 2/day. I've been on a strict diet...cut out all bread, dairy (except ghee and butter), all processed or other junk foods, sugar, wheat, fruit and coffee...had a terrible Herx for over three weeks, but the skin itching subsided. Then I had a colonic to help get things moving along, and the skin itching has retuned with a vengeance. Is it normal to have this reaction this far into this cleanse? Did the colonic do this somehow?

After reading Bill's book, it sounds to me like the biofilms in my body have had a lot of time to mature and harden, but I'm really frightened of using turpentine because of it being classified as a paint thinner with big poison symbols on the container. Although the 35% H202 is also corrosive, but fine when diluted as I have experienced. I'm having a hard time getting over the stigma of turpentine ingestion.

Also, what do I do long term for maintenance during and after a pregnancy? Is the protocol in Bill's book safe during this time?

Thank you for your help! I will also read the Dr. Shallenberger's book too!


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