Stomach Problems

Posted By Jaques (Brighton, England) on 11/21/2007

I am 58, have had a lifetime of stomach problems - now diagnosed with hiatal hernia/acid reflux, taking omeprazol, 40mg a day, main problem is always have loose stools and worst very sore eosophagus/throat, had biopsy on what looked like Barrets but negative. However, dont like taking pills, tried 2 tbls acv with 1/4 tsp bicarb soda in 1/2 glass water for 5 days lst thing and last thing at night on empty stomach - also did oil pulling - immediately on drinking the remedy my eosophagus/throat hurt even with bicarb added, my mouth which has burned, esp my tongue, for 10 yrs, became even more sore and the "runs" worsened.  first I thought it would improve  but I couldnt sleep at all, felt agitated and as I have very high BP which medication isnt helping, I decided to go back on the stomach pills.  Having read peoples positive results I felt sure acv would help me with my stomach/BP and high cholestorol - I eat a very healthy diet, dont smoke, exercise, am slim, I really dont know what to do next or why this acv works for so many and makes me worse - if anyone has any ideas Id be grateful?  Thank you.

Replied by Amber (Royal Oak, MI) on 12/10/2007

11/21/07 Sharon from OKC wrote about her burning mouth and stomach problems and that she was diagnosed with Celiac disease.' Jaques from Brighton England wrote that he also has had a burning mouth for 10 years and have stomach problems.  I think Jaques should get checked for Celiac disease since it can go undiagnosed for a long time.

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