Son with viral symptoms and need help

Posted By Laurie Holden (Wolverine, MI) on 04/29/2009

My son is turning 13 tomorrow. He is almost 5'7 & about 180 in weight. He is in pretty good health, except he has had for a long while a low flu like ailment. His ears get bright red " randomly" and feels sick ( headache/sinus pressure), feels hot with no fever, at times next/throat feels a little swollen. I don't know if it is environmental or not. Our property next to our house is wet lands? I my self have felt this as well off and on for awhile. I have had my home checked for gas " all clear" / randon .3 level / mold n stuff, mold issue has been corrected. If you could shed some light on this, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you very concerned mom

Replied by Brandy (Kelowna, BC Canada) on 04/30/2009

Hi, I am a mom of seven. We had flu like symptoms for a few years from living in a house/trailer with too much fermaldahyde (sp?). It was a low level poisoning. The fermaldahyde was prominent in the glue that was used in particle board throughout the trailer part of our home, which had an addition built onto it that wasn't so toxic. Portable trailers are notorious for using fermaldahyde glue, also some older insulation used it. Perhaps your son attends school in a portable building? In our case, the younger the person, the more pronounced the symptoms. Our 18 month son had fever, sore throat and sometimes vomitting. We all had similar symtoms, minus the fever. Our symptoms were less in the summer when we spent more time outside. We eventually moved, but our naturalpath had a similar situation with his baby daughter and he opted to replace all items built with fermaldyhide in his trailer/home.

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