Son may have candida eczema or lichen planus

Posted By RobynRenee (Austin, Tx) on 01/17/2015

Hi Group,

I have been undergoing the anti-candida diet from Bill Thompson's book, Killing Me Sweetly. It's really working as my skin condition has cleared up. I'm in my third week.

My son, ironically, same time as me, but lives in California, acquired scabies that well hellacious to conquer. While trying to get rid of them, he washed his body and soaked in tons of HOT borax baths (maybe too much?) and used hydrogen peroxide on skin, along with tea tree oil. After conquering scabies, his skin started to peel very badly. He went to dermatologist and she diagnosed him with syphilis, gave him very strong antibiotics for 30 days. I examined him over the xmas holidays and didn't think it was syphilis. I thought it was a fungus...she called after taking a biopsy asking if he'd gotten into anything. I explained the scabies incident and they now think he's got lichen planus.

Does anyone know anything about any of this and how to tell the difference? I have two photos I could post but I don't see where I can. His feet and hands have hard yellow callous soft peeling skin, with red itchy bumps on his body.

Any input at this point is appreciated. I don't know what he should avoid and what he should take from the doctor!

Grateful, RobynRenee

EC: Hi RobynRenee, Please email your photos (no more than 400 pixels wide) to [email protected] and we'll add them to your thread.


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