Small Red Blood Cells Causing Exhaustion for 12 Years

Posted By Jan (Australia) on 02/08/2021

I have suffer from exhaustion all of my life and at age 75 am still looking. After many doctors just ignore me I went to a Naturopathic Centre and had a Metagenics test which showed that most of my red blood cells were too small to carry oxygen, I was told at the time that Vitamin B12 would fix this but after 12 years I have had no success.

Has anyone heard of this and if so what did you do to fix it?

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Replied by Mama (TN) on 02/09/2021

Dear Jan,

What a long time to deal with such a challenge!

I am not aware of any remedy for this, but you could look into blood building herbs and supplements.

Chlorophyll is a wonderful blood builder. I used to take a tablespoon a day for heavy periods or anemia in pregnancy. Alfalfa tablets may accomplish the same but Natures Sunshine Chlorophyll is high quality and quite pleasant.

Nettle is another blood builder and healer and perhaps my favorite herb. I have seen it do some amazing things for my family! I take a capsule morning and evening. During healing phases though my children have taken 2 capsules morning and evening. While I tend to prefer teas and tinctures, my experience is that the capsules of nettle seem to be more effective. I have made my own or used Nature's Way over the years.

I hope you find a solution to make this season of life more comfortable!

~Mama to Many~

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Replied by Joan Scherer (Westerly, Ri) on 02/09/2021

Perhaps you have pernicious anemia.

Pernicious anemia (per-NISH-us uh-NEE-me-uh) is a condition in which the body can't make enough healthy red blood cells because it doesn't have enough vitamin B12.

People who have pernicious anemia can't absorb enough vitamin B12 from food. This is because they lack intrinsic (in-TRIN-sik) factor, a protein made in the stomach. A lack of this protein leads. Please have this checked.

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Replied by Maureen (Md) on 02/09/2021

I was diagnosed with B12 deficiency a few years ago and one of my symptoms was being unable to get a full breath. There are too many symptoms of B12 deficiency to list here but exhaustion is one of the biggies. Google B12 deficiency and do some reading.

Are you taking B12 oral supplements or shots? If you are just taking oral supplements, ask you doctor for B12 shots. When I started on my loading doses of B12 shots I couldn't believe how much energy I had after just one shot. Some people, especially people over the age of 50, cannot absorb B12 through their stomachs. A combination of low stomach acid and little to no production of intrinsic factor can cause this.

Another culprit that causes B12 deficiency is taking acid inhibitors or PPIs. Doctor's should tell people about this if they are taking this type of drug.

One more thing, have you had your iron levels checked? It could also be iron deficiency.

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Replied by Pam (Los Angeles Ca) on 02/09/2021

I use hydrogen Peroxzide food grade 3% in a mister in my mouth and inhale it, 3 xs a day.

See Bill Munro success w this method. I healed lung issues. The reason I suggest this is hydrogen peroxide Oxygenates the blood. I’m thinking that could help. If I was you I would possibly put it on the bottom of my feet, cause anything you put on your feet goes into the body, the first day one time the next day two times the next day three times and see how that works. I don’t believe it can hurt you and I think this is a way for you to Oxygenate your blood that’s ready to get energy. Blessings
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Replied by Helene (Us) on 02/09/2021

Adeno and methyl forms of B12 may help. Also the methylated form of folate. Some supplements sell them combined methyl B12 and folate. I take both as I have anemia and it makes a difference. Another product my doctor told me to take is Tru Niagen. I also use ozone and have a machine which helps but the supplements are extremely important.
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Replied by Chandrika (India) on 02/09/2021

One protocol that drastically increases blood oxygenatio, in my experienc, is breathing exercise. Google and go to Wim Hof’s site for a free mini class on how to do the deep breathing for deep oxygenation.
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Replied by Dee (Florida) on 02/10/2021

You should have your Vitamin D levels checked. I am 73 and after listening to the Dr. Richard Becker TV show and videos I tried extra Vitamin D 4000 iu (should be taken with Vit. K). Noticed increased energy and traveling pains were gone. I must have been deficient in D.

Most people are deficient in D & Magnesium. Also was told after 2-3 months have Vit.D levels tested, levels should be between 40-80. My D levels were 47. I also take Omega 3, Multi-Vit, extra Magnesium, B12, Vit. C 3000mg, Olive leaf, Milk Thistle, CoQ10, Probiotics, Swediah Bitters. You should go on the healthy Mediterranean Diet, get Fiber foods into diet, try to exercise Yoga, Tai Chi, Walking. Also take Unsulphured Black Strap Molasses. I also take 1/8-1/4 tsp. of Cayenne pepper in natural Buttermilk. I use Judees Gluten free natural Buttermilk Powder, the powder form lasts longer and made in USA. Cayenne is great for blood circulation.

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Replied by Dee (Florida) on 02/10/2021

I am not sure if I added this excellent Health Info. with the TV & Tubes of Dr. Richard Becker TV Show "Your Health". These are his videos. I learned so much from him.

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Replied by Frank McLean (Thunder Bay, ON, CA) on 03/23/2021

Vitamin B12 is the problem, but what they didn't tell you is that you can't take any B vitamin on its own for any length of time, because B vitamins work together, and in doing their work they use each other up. So, to chronically keep taking vitamin B12 by itself creates deficiencies of the other B vitamins. Consequently, you need to add a B100 tablet or capsule to your regimen. B100 is the other B vitamins in most cases of one hundred milligrams each.

If you go to a health food store they'll probably know what I'm talking about, but if not, I don't know if you have Amazon in Australia, but you might be able to get them there. Otherwise, you can get them from in the USA. The code for the B100 capsules is SW056.

Also, vitamins work together with minerals to form enzymes. So you should also order Albion Multi-minerals, code is SWU062.

One further thing is you should add liver to your diet as liver is rich in B vitamins and other vitamins. It's also the storehouse of many minerals.

The way I like to make liver is to dice it up and fry it until nicely browned. Fry up a similar amount of onions until lightly browned. Salt and pepper each to taste. When done, combine the two together and add a small amount of water to create a gravy. This is best done by adding the water to the liver first before combining the two. I like to eat this with a goodly amount of ketchup.

I hope this information is of help to you.


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