Since august have had issue with gallbladder

Posted By Ms42000 (Sacramento, California, Usa) on 11/13/2009

I have a question for Ted. I have been sick since August this year. Started with loss of appetite, along with fatigue, pain in the right lower quadrant, and then two weeks ago, the pain because localized just in the right upper quadrant. They 2 ultra sounds show no stones, but a nuclear gall bladder scan today showed that there is a problem with the gall bladder. I used to have pain all over the body in different areas. Now the pain is only below my ribs around the liver/gall bladder area.

My main concern is that after eating, or drinking even water, i feel fluid which i think is bile moving into my small intestines, but all somewhere else in my body. Is that possible. One doctor said that can't happen. Would that be free fluid in the abdomen?

Has anyone out there experience something like that, and what is the solution. I do not want my gall bladder removed.

I am also bloated most of the time. I will try your ACV solution.

Replied by Jenny (Moodus, Ct) on 11/29/2010

Hi, I have exactly the same symptoms. The fluid in the upper gi pain ect. I realize my gallbladder is the culprit. After long term antibiotics 20 years ago I acquired stones which I removed with olive oil flushes. When I became ill with lyme disease again and took the doxy it all started up so much worse. When no stones appear but pain persists diarrhea I think candida and other bacteria are coconspirators. Lugols iodine is helping along with cider vinegar. I can actually breathe and not fear my renegade bowels as of today. Now that I seem to have killed some of these bugs I'm going for the olive oil epsom flush. Kill the offending non acknowledged bacteria and fungus first I think that is key to a smooth flush I am sure that I will beat this on my own. I know how awful the mysterious fluid air build up feels it just strangles the life out of u at the worst possible times and screws with your emotional stasis wish me luck , get some lugols and yes here I go Apple Cider Vinegar then flush , jenny in moodus

Replied by Moe (Queen Creek, Az) on 03/29/2014

Hi Jenny,

I have a question for you. I am new to this gallbladder pain and am in the midst of an "attack" which has caused me to be up all night writhing in pain when I have to be up in about 2 hours to be a mom. I keep seeing comments about this Epsom/olive oil flush. Can you tell me how to do that? I'm looking for anything to help get rid of this pain because I can't afford surgery to have my gallbladder removed, and my daughter deserves a mom who isn't exhausted and grumpy all the time.


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