Severe pain after having tonsils removed

Posted By April (Rogers, Ar) on 01/13/2010

Pain after tonsillectomy

Hi, I do not have a remedy but a question. I have a 17 year old who had her tonsils taken out 8 days ago. Her pain is STILL intense inspite of the doctor telling us is should start to improve by now. Can anyone offer advice to speed up the healing and reduce her pain level. Please don't say ice, because it so painful that she can't hardly swallow the water when the ice melts. Thank you in advance for your advice.


Replied by Diane (Oliver, Pa) on 01/15/2010

Have you tried colloidal silver? It wouldn't be any more painful than the water, would coat her throat and help fight any infection. If you get one of those empty travel-size spray bottles, and just use the tubing with the original bottle, (which will probably be a dark-colored glass) she could even spritz her throat with it. We've used CS for cat bites, (in order to avoid antibiotics) conjuctivitis, diaper rash, and cats that have snotty sneezes with great success.

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