Seeking Help for Severe Knee Pain and Chronic UTI

Posted By Norma (Pueblo, Co.) on 07/19/2015

Have severe knee pain. My primary care doctor will not OK surgery as I have had a chronic UTI and she is concerned about that. I will be 89 shortly. I have had injections many times but they are not working at all.

Replied by Steve (Nevada) on 07/20/2015

Colloidal silver and olive leaf extract should get rid of the UTI. Cold laser therapy and 6-15g of msm daily should help with the knee pain.

Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 07/20/2015

Hello, Norma (Pueblo, Co.) ---

Congratulations as to your age. I am not far behind. I have lately one knee bothering me and what helps is massage with pure sesame oil. In winter the oil needs to be warmed. I do the entire leg and feet as well and then the other leg as it seems to help with circulation. Then the pains are minimal or gone. To do the whole body is very good.

As we age, oil does not assimilate well, but it gets into the body when used transdermal. Just like Magnesium oil. So, oiling is very important.

As to UTI, I have it too, but I take cold water sitz baths for circulation and toning. It helps very well, at least for me. Just two minutes and keeping warm afterwards. Wish you well.

Namaste, Om


Replied by Namaw (Al) on 07/22/2015

I've had great luck with Peter Egoscue's exercises for painful knees. Look it up on youtube or get the book. Easy exercises, has 3 that you do just for knees.

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