Seeking Help for Debilitating "Laziness" Developed During Last Decade

Posted By Lazy Susan (Atlanta, Ga) on 11/15/2015

Laziness cure?!

Wondering if a simple vitamin deficiency could be a culprit here???

44 year old female with ZERO 'get up and go' and evergrowing disinterest in life's activities and responsibilities. (Childless by choice. Caregiver for ill parent the last 15+ years.) Experienced a touch of this all my life, but it's become worse in the last decade...almost debilitating in the past 3-5 years. Recent blood work by naturopath reveals Estrogen dominant, systemic candida, low serotonin, low T3, low pituitary. Complete hysterectomy 1.5 years ago to alleviate violent periods and severe endometriosis.

Able to rise at 4:30am, get myself to work on time, excel at my job, even go above and beyond job description occasionally. HOWEVER, for most everything unrelated to keeping my job/paycheck or my pets, I have little to no interest; it's as if a negative force field surrounds me, zapping any well intentioned ideas (of which I have many), inclination, motivation, follow through. Can be quick to anger and sometimes quick to rage. I don't feel depressed. I DO feel extreme guilt over not being more present in my life, not being a better partner, daughter, sister, friend...but not guilty enough to change, to make better choices. I recognize I'm missing out on life, but I don't really seem to mind. Distanced myself from most friends and family, choose to be a loner and am more introverted by the day. Thank goodness for automatic draft and online banking...otherwise, not sure the bills would get paid.

Mail, paperwork, chores, errands - all remain undone for weeks at a time. I take numerous vitamins and supplements. Eat a 90% Paleo diet, cheat once weekly with Mexican corn chips and cheese dip. Read self help and 'how not to be lazy' books, but nothing sticks for more than 48 hours. I want back in on life, but don't know how to get there.

REPLY   2      

Replied by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 11/17/2015

Lazy Susan (Atlanta, Ga)

I tried posting a response to your query but couldn't get the response window to open so until E.C. techs get a fix for it, I will make a brief preliminary reply as the subject is way to complicated to address immediately.

Here in the third dimension planet earth nature territory is the presence of a dualistic system of life & death, good & evil, health & disease. The disease process effects our physical body, our psychology, and our spirituality.

So, the modality of medical health school or care that addresses all three of these is called Holistic Health.

Your post shows you are addressing the physical quite well but without positive results, and you don't show signs of major mental illness; so the area of spirituality needs most of the immediate attention but not to neglect the physical and psychological in the process.

First you need to state your religious background (or lack thereof) and any history of spiritual practices. Do you enjoy music, walks in nature, pets, watching birds or wildlife, fine art like paintings or exceptional photography???

EC: Thanks, TimH! Our programmer will fix the reply button asap.


Replied by Jana (Sherman Oaks, Ca) on 11/17/2015

Dear Lazy Susan,

I suggest that you make a point to exercise every day. Do you have dogs and walk them every day? Exercise may make a tremendous difference to your emotional and physical health. I'd start with exercise first and see if you feel better immediately (my guess is that you will). My best to you!


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