Requesting Help for Lyme Disease, Colitis and Breast Cancer

Posted By Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 06/09/2015

Hello Ted and Earth Clinic readers.

Thank you all so much for helping so many people! I promise that when I am well I will help as many people as I can! I have been basically disabled for 8 years, no income, not much of a life, PLEASE Any cures would be greatly appreciated.

I am female, 47yrs old, I get confused easily because of severe brainfog with on and off vertigo and anemia, therefore I need help with VERY SIMPLE AND CLEAR AND EXACT, directions for curing multiple health issues.

FIRST I would like to try Ted's methods. My list of health issues is long, but here are just some:

Lymes(i had it over 10 years, with a reinfection in 2009, but I just found out its lymes and don't know what to do), colitis(took immunosuppressants for the past 10 years, and on and off steroids, but just weaned off meds last week), breast cancer (have not treated yet, I have been made sick and injured by so many doctors, for so many other problems that I don't want to do chemo), breast lumps and pain, lymph pain, sjogrens(severe, my skin looks like I am 80yrs old and its affecting my heart, lungs, eyes, mouth, etc), MS, RA, Fibro, beginning Alzheimers, prolapsed uterus, uterine cysts, fibroids, broken back(i am not well enough for surgery; I can walk a little most days, its an extruded disc, a chipped disc, 3 bulging discs, sciatica, arthritis, degenereative disc disease), anemia(severe), TMJ, candida, menieres, vertigo, brainfog, 7 mercury tooth fillings(i am not well enough to remove these, or afford to, and can't travel easily in the car to the dentist, and its painful for my back, and nauseating with my on and off vertigo, so removing mercury now seems not possible), my teeth are not in great shape, my tongue is swollen and has cuts for the last 5 years, I can barely drive for the last 6 years due to severe dizziness, my eyesight is 50% of what it was last year, I am very scared about losing my sight, severe dry eye, tinnitus, herpes, interstitial cystitis, I feel like I am going to black out and go into vertigo constantly. Worse at night and when I get my period(i am in perimenopause), so my blood is heavy with clots.

No need for me to list everything. I follow the leaky gut diet and Specific Carbohydrate Diet, both about 90% of the time. I need help understanding which of Teds methods would help and when exactly to take them, what to mix with, when to eat, for example,

TO START I want to treat the breast cancer, and lymes and sjogrens, but I don't want to hurt the colitis. If I drink 1 cap of 3% food grade peroxide do I mix it with 1/8tsp borax in a liter of water and drink the entire liter throughout the day? Can I eat or take other things at the same time? when I take 1/3t Lysine, 1/4t threonine, 1/8tNAC for 4 hours, once per hour, do I take it in water or take them as capsules? do I take on an empty stomach or with food? should I take ascorbic acid mixed with this? will the ascorbic acid hurt the Colitis? Should I mix in Glutamine powder? Should I mix in MSM? Do I mix in Lugols iodine? Also Ted says to take sea salt for Lymes but not for cancer. So I want to know exactly what to take and which ones go together, and which alone, and on an empty stomach. Do I take the 1/4t baking soda in water 2x/day, 30min after meals, away from other supplements? Can I drink organic pure coconut water, and can I eat spinach?

Please only positive ideas, I can't take any more negative thoughts. Thank you for reading this, and peace and love to you!


Replied by Timh (Ky) on 06/11/2015

Steph: I am not now prepared to offer complete and detailed response but I will try to get you started in the right direction.

First, the alkalizing remedies without peroxide, and also consider alkalizing 2x per wk w/ hot baths of Epsom Salts 1/4 cup and Borax 1/4 cup. In place of hydrogen peroxide I prefer the (Bob Beck protocol) combination of Zapping and Colloidal Silver. You will need to purchase your own C.S. generator because of the severity of your condition. You can add the H2O2 drops to beverage, after a wk or two of getting alkalized.

You can take most supplements in powder or pill form and many can be taken together but some are better or worse taken together. You will need to take Lipospheric Vit-C (how to make your own home made is instructions on YouTube) and take the MSM w/ the C. Lipo-C will not hurt the colon.

For your Colon you will need to do Colon Cleanses and Parasite cleanses (instructions at top of page under "remedies" or "ailments". Place a "magnet pad" over the colon during the day or while sleeping at night, this will reduce the inflammation.

For the breast place a strong magnet directly over the affected area 15-30 min 2x day.

Let us know how you are doing so we can help you make any adjustments.


Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 06/11/2015

Timh: Thank you so much for your advice! I am trying to get through the day without passing out, so I will start with the easiest and ask a friend to get me the ingredients for the bath of 1/4c epsom salt and 1/4c borax. I was wondering what magnet pad to get, and where? I haven't ever seen one. I will order the MSM to start. Just reading and writing this post is challenging, because I am so dizzy. So I will have to try your advice as soon as I can. Its hard to take care of oneself when sick. But I am so very grateful that you care enough to help. Makes me feel so much better! Thank you!



Replied by Timh (Ky) on 06/11/2015

S: You are welcome and nice to hear a quick reply, as oftentimes I make a "lifesaving" post to an extreme condition and the original poster never returns (a fruitless affair).

You can purchase Magnet Therapy kits online, the one I use is "Serenity 2000". This will be quite efficient for especially your colon and breast, only be careful to not let the magnet get close to any hard-drive like computer or mobile device that has magnetic memory cause it will partially or completely erase the info.

More things you need to do right away: Make extra efforts at purifying your home air & water. "Oil Pulling" will help detox your body quickly as will "Detox Foot Pads", along with the baths. Looks like you will need to do some kidney cleansing; for this eat lots of Watermelon, take D-Mannose, and the herb complex "Kidney Bladder Formula".


Replied by Bee (New York) on 06/12/2015

I am thinking off the top of my head the Gerson therapy or Budwig protocol. They have utube videos to show what this is.. Hopefully you can log onto that... I think a lot of it is about juicing fresh veggies and fruits and drinking them all day long. Not sure if that is Budwig or Gerson.. they both have websites.. If you are able google Budwig and Gerson therapy or protocol........

With limited funds I am not sure what you can do but I would def. opt for organic veggies and fruits.. and you also need a juicer..

Maybe someone can help you with all of this. I hope that you can find some relief.. That is a lot to deal with. if you believe in power of prayer maybe find some prayer groups and add your name to their list..


Replied by Charmian (North Wales) on 06/14/2015

Hello Stephanie. I have a friend who has had Lyme for 6 years and now her little girl has it too. She says Stephen Harrod Buhner's book 'Healing Lyme' is the international 'bible' for Lyme disease. He has also written others such as ' Healing Lyme and it's coinfections' And many other fascinating books on Anti viral/ anti biotic herbal remedies which are extremely well researched. You can find him on Amazon when you feel a bit better. My friend was at death's door, unable to drive, think or scarcely move. Now she still takes lots of care with her diet and remedies but can use her PC, drive, cook, play with her child and enjoy a swim or a walk. So keep trying and many blessings on you.

Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 06/15/2015

Thank you earth clinic! And thank you Timh, Bee and Charmain for your very thoughtful ideas for me!! I will try as much as I can financially, and also I am confused easily, so I will try one thing at a time, unless I can find someone to come over and get me started on multiple wellness remedies! On my own, I am very slow at figuring out how to do things.

Timh and earth clinic: My concern is what is ok to do since I have mercury fillings. Is the magnetic pad ok? I looked at the site you use, and didn't know which one to get. I get confused! Also, I have abcesses now across my upper gums where I had a root canal long ago, and also pain on the bottom where a tooth is cracked next to 2 big mercury fillings, so can I still oil pull with coconut oil? and can I drink 1/4t baking soda with water twice a day? I can barely travel, and going to the dentist will hurt my back and my vertigo will be unbearable too. Financially, I can't afford a dentist anyway. I don't know what I shouldn't take since I have mercury fillings. I also stopped taking honey, and that was probably keeping the infection away from my tooth and gums. I stopped watermelon also because I want to try sugar free as Ted suggests for cancer cure. I don't know if I also should remove the 1/2c of coconut water I drink daily. I want to try the D-mannose you suggested. The ones I found have additives. Is there one that is best? And I didn't find the "Kidney Bladder formula". Is there one you like? And I am very interested in making the liposheric vit C. Which ultrasonic cleaner should I get? Thank you, I really need help and more than you will ever know, I appreciate your help!



Replied by Timh (Ky) on 06/15/2015

Steph: Glad to hear back so we can help you one step at a time. Yes on the alkalizing remedies and Oil Pulling, this will help remove the metals and infection in the gums.

I recommended the Mannose in place of Cranberry because the cran can be irritating to the stomach while mannose is not, and you should not worry about fillers, although once you get alkalized Crannberry Softgels taken periodically will keep infection out of kidneys & bladder.

The Kidney/Bladder Formula is marketed by different companies but I can recommend "Nature's Way" specifically.

Did you have good results w/ the bath? These mineral baths will help your body detox and alkalize.

I purchased an economical sonicator on Amazon nearly 2 yrs ago and still going strong with it. You can buy Vit-C and Lecithinin bulk powder form on Ebay, Amazon, or nearly any health food store.

Also don't fear sugar, just don't overdo it and take the mineral Chromium Picolinate + Niacinamide to help your body burn the sugar for energy. An herbal complex of Cinnamon, Gymnema Sylvester, and Mulberry also assist in sugar metabolism.

The Magnet Pad will help dislocate the metals. The very first time I wore a magnet belt I got shocked and jolted (felt like being electrocuted)because so much hm were being displaced. There are any number of hm removal remedies here on E.C. To provide immediate protection from the damaging effects of hm's the Lipo-C + MSM will help much, although you will also need minimal amounts of the antioxidants Vit-A & Selenium.

Make an effort to remove your fear of natural remedies & supplements and replace with confidence; once you begin improving you will be reinforced by your commitments. You can also periodically say out load "I intend my wellness". This affirmation is a signal to the nervous system or brain and onward to the body. In a small but distinct way the cells in the body can hear a command to respond to "wellness".


Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 06/16/2015

Hi earth clinic and Timh,

I did take the hot bath in epsom salt and borax. I will continue to take 2/week. Thank you! Also, I want to start the other supplements, but I can't concentrate on figuring out what to take and how to get the supplements yet, because I think I gave myself an ulcer. It hurts so much that I can't do anything. It is to the right of my bellybutton. I had just switched from Vit C with calcium(which I have taken for the past 5 years), to ascorbic acid(vit C). I took the ascorbic acid for the past 2 weeks, 1000mg, 2x/day, but stopped today because it might have given me an ulcer, and also, because I want to try the kind of Vit C that you recommend, lipospheric Vit C! I am still not sure which machine to get, to make it myself, is it an ultrasonic cleaner for jewelry? Is there anything I can do to heal fast, if this is an ulcer? I don't want to go back on steroids and immunosuppressants! Today I took 2 turmeric capsules, a probiotic, 6 chewable papaya enzymes(unfortunately they have sugar), I ate an avocado with garlic, I had a tbsp of ACV at lunch, and 2 hours later, a tbsp of BSM. I took a tsp of glutamine, and a cup of ginger tea. I swooshed coconut oil in my mouth for 5 min. and also ate a tsp of coconut oil. I had a magnesium/potassium supplement, and I ate a small piece of salmon for lunch, and 30 min later: 1/4t baking soda in water. Is there anything else that would help the pain and heal it if it is an ulcer(possibly from too much ascorbic acid)? I am trying to get better, but I get so confused, and may have hurt myself with the wrong Vit C. I want to move forward, but I may have taken a step back unfortunately. I am bummed! Can you help? thank you so much for your time! I really appreciate your time, and your knowledge, and most of all, your caring! It makes me feel less alone! I intend my wellness!



Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/17/2015

Steph, take the vitamin C/ascorbic acid WITH baking soda, just like Ted recommends to do with lemon/lime. Even the ACV, in your case, should have a bit of baking soda in it (till fizz) so as not to be harsh on your innards.

Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 06/17/2015

Hi mmsg,

Thank you, if I take the ascorbic acid/vitC, do I take 250mg of it in powder form and mix with 1/4t baking soda, and 1/4c water? and 30 min after a meal, then I drink it? twice/day? I am going to switch to lipospheric vit c, eventually, but not yet, as I still have to start to make it. I am looking forward to that too. Thank you! (my brain lately needs exact step by step instructions). Also, should I stop Vit C for a week until this ulcer goes away?



Replied by Timh (Ky) on 06/17/2015

S: There are several nutrients that can help your brain, like Acetyl Carnitine, Choline, Ginko Biloba, Taurine, Chinese Skullcap.

Also you can profit from Brainwave Technology music or harmonics. Here is a YT page that specifically addresses many ills.


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/19/2015

With such complicated conditions, you need to take colloidal silver of ionic kind at least 10 ppm and 3 or 4 times a day. The solution must be clear and not yellow. You can take more as conditions improve. This will help Lymes and most of your other conditions. The others is not needed except pancreatin or probiotics. Pancreatin is needed 5000 mg x4 is minimum. As to vertigo, try peppermint oil orally.



Replied by Marie (New Zealand) on 06/21/2015

Hi Stephanie, I recommend going to Don and Carol Croft's website and checking out the improved version zapper and the T Rex zappers. Don't get the $35 cheaper version off site that they speak of, it is a basic Hulga R Clarke frequency. These 2 mentioned have orgonite etc in them and they will be worth the extra outlay for the benefit you will receive.

You wear it all the time and move it to a new location when it starts to itch. If you wear it on the soles of your feet or strapped to your palm especially at night this will not happen.

It will get rid of your parasite load, help (& may resolve) your cancer, move your body into an alkaline state, relieve your pain by putting it over the affected area, help settle infection in you gums and teeth.


Replied by Andrew (England) on 06/21/2015

I would not waste good money on those Don Croft devices, the electrodes are way too close together (electricity will always take the shortest route) and the voltage simply not high enough to penetrate deep enough to have any affect on serious issues like Lyme/mycoplasma and cancer.Orgone is just a new age scam. Stick to proven remedies from Bill or Ted.

The spooky 2 can be had for similar money to the Don Croft device and is way, way, way better with a rife plasma unit coming out soon and will be a true rife machine not a Hoyland model, but it already comes with handholds that output 20v and a very helpful forum and a remote that can be used 24/7. It takes some learning to use but it can do all frequencies including rife/clark etc.


Replied by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn. ) on 06/21/2015

HI U ANDREW, , , , , , , explain yourself, because I am now using a plasma GB 4000 Rife Machine to address my blood cancer. Thought I was up to date. Please address.



Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 06/22/2015


Thank you so much. I want to make the clear solution of ionic colloidal silver, 10ppm. Is there a specific youtube video that is best to learn from? Or anyone from NJ that shows people how to do this in person?

Is there a specific place to order the silver from? is it 2 silver bars? or 2 silver strands? How many 9V batteries?

What is the tester called that measures the ppm, and is there a tester that is best?

Do you know where to get the wires that attach to the alligator clips? I am not sure exactly how to make it. I have watched some videos but don't understand yet.

And do you get distilled water in a gallon jug at the supermarket? I get confused easily, and tired, so this is a mission I want to complete as soon as possible to get better!

Also what kind of peppermint oil? I looked online. is it called essential oils? or is there another kind of peppermint oil that is safe to injest? do I drop it on my tongue, 1 drop per day?

And is there a specific brand or company that has the most effective pancreatin that is safe for colitis? What form do I take it in? Do I take it as a powder mixed with water? is the pancreatin mixed with other ingredients or is it just called Pancreatin?

Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your time and help!



Replied by Andrew (England) on 06/30/2015

ORH: The GB4000 is a great device but few of us can afford one. When the spooky2 plasma attachment comes out it should be a true Rife machine but way cheaper than current models. Spooky2 is already far better than any Clark device or Croft device already due to it's programming capabilities and range of frequency outputs with just the hand holds tubes at 20v max and the scaler device remote outputs. I was comparing the Croft device to the Spooky. The electrodes are just way too close for the croft device to be effective apart from locally where you put it to combat things like systematic Candida, Lyme, Morgellons Cancer etc.

You already have a great device though if you have the plasma tube output with it.

Handholds tubes are better than Croft devices and plasma tubes are the best from my research for delivery and deep penetration of the frequencies to all the body.


Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/20/2016

Dear Janet and earth clinic,

Please help, I am severely anemic. doctor said he doesnt know where my blood is going, and theres no oxygen in it. in addition, I got my period today with the usual huge bloodclots and severe bleeding. I thought I was dying every second for the last 6 years, but now I feel even worse. Any ideas for immediate help? I don't want to call 911. I want to try to help myself. I took 3 tablespoon BSM. and 2 tablespoon chlorofresh. I ate an egg for breakfast. and kale boiled for lunch. and a handful of Aaisins. a small piece of watermelon, and 3 bites of yucky cooked liver. vit b, vit c, vit d. thanks, Steph


Replied by Meg (Ohio) on 08/20/2016


I am really getting concerned for you. I have followed your story here. You have many complicated health issues. You are trying many things that are great. But sometimes you need more help than natural remedies can give.

If your body is severely anemic, it will be hard for it to heal and make use of natural remedies.

I had a blood transfusion years ago and it saved my life. There was risk involved, but I think I would have died with out it. That is a significant risk. The body needs enough blood and good blood at that, to heal.

I know you don't want to call 911 but I think you really may be in an emergency situation.

Take care.

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Replied by Mary (Ny) on 08/20/2016

Dear Stephanie,

I think you should see a gyn or doctor about this issue. Severe anemia should be treated by professionals. The chlorophyll may be making you feel very poorly, so if I were you, I would stop taking it immediately.

I also suggest that you stop taking so many remedies. I have just read your and others posts in this thread and many of the remedies you are taking are very powerful detoxifiers. Detoxing too fast when your body is weak is a bad idea.

Please get help for your severe anemia and make your body stronger before you embark on such a rigorous journey towards better health. Some of the other supplements and remedies you are taking may be making you feel worse and depleting your body of vital nutrients. Be gentle, go slowly!

Wishing you the best,


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Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/21/2016

Dear Mary,

Thank you for your advice. yes I am going slowly with remedies. I don't do many of them, just a few supplements, and just trying to figure out the borax, baking soda, and went through first treatment for parasites. Tried to make colloidal silver and lypospheric vit c, still working on those. I want to follow more of the remedies, but my brain isn't working great right now. I don't want any chemo, so I am trying to find a natural doctor to guide me. Havent found one yet, I have been searching for a longggg time. But you and everyone on earth clinic have been wonderful and helpful, and makes me feel not so alone! Thank you, and I will go slow and be gentle with the remedies! Thank you for caring! -Steph

Replied by Catlyn (Washington) on 08/20/2016

Hi Stephanie,

Have you seen a gynecologist about the blood clots and severe bleeding? I had that when I had fibroids and became quite anemic. I ended up having a uterine fibroid embolization, which helped with the awful bleeding during my periods. Thankfully, I'm done with that now. Please have a different doctor check you if your regular one can't figure it out. Have you told him about the heavy flow during your periods? Don't be afraid to call 911 if you need help, better than trying to drive yourself to an ER.

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Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/21/2016

Dear Catlyn,

What is the uterine fibroid embolization? Does it hurt? Are there any problems after? How long ago did you have that? Can the fibroids come back worse after? Or are you better for good now? I hope! I haven't had luck with doctors, so I stopped going and was going to fix the fibroids on my own. Its just that I get confused easily since I don't feel good, so I havent fixed them yet. Only started to do castor oil packs a week or 2 ago, and haven't even figured out how to do it right yet. I am trying. I will figure it out. Janet and mama to many are helping with that. I am very afraid to put myself in the hands of the medical world. I don't think they will ever let me leave the hospital. Once they find out all of the problems I have. It all started because of the undiagnosed lyme. and now I am sick, and weak, but still determined to get better as fast as possible, just have set backs each time so far, but soon I will be going forward. Please if you can explain anything that could help me if I have to get the uterine fibroid embolization, I want to do the best for myself. I don't want hysterectomy. My uterus dropped a few years ago. Thats when the fibroids started too. and the blood clots and heavy period. I can't take antibiotics because I have ulcerative colitis, so also, did you have to take antibiotics for your procedure? Thanks so much for your advice! -Steph

Replied by Janet (In) on 08/20/2016


I am not very familar with anemia. So l did what I always do. I went to Teds ailment page to understand. Here is the email I felt was close to your issues. I wish Ted was well enough to write. He seems to think digestion... as if it were me is always a factor. I would recommend reading the entire chapter. Always baking soda, borax, vitamin c.

I had those horrible periods scary scary. I did not have Earth Clinic then. My Dr. put me on estrogen. Which made my issues worse overall. I never got better until I stsrted borax. Always, my symptoms changed or morphed into other problems.

Fungus stores iron. Borax helps reduce the fungal load. Vitamin c is nessesary to absorb iron. Lugols iodine reduces fungus. Helps thyroid. Chlorophyll assists with pain and absorption. Vinegar douche helps with fungal issues.

Baking soda is critical to digestion. Please read Teds email:


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Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/22/2016

Dear Janet,

I am starting to understand about the Borax. I still can't drink enough of it, but trying to do half the amount each day. Do I put it in spring water or distilled water? I dont use sink water because I have a well for my water, and there could be bacteria in it. My colitis is flaring again, and I am so weak and shaky and nausea and can't seem to eat. I was able to get down an egg a day and a spoon of peanut butter for about a week, but now I cant. any easy ideas for me? I do have a nutribullet, but it doesnt blend food well for me. I used baking soda once yesterday, and vit c 3x. I have liquid chlorophyll, seemed to irritate the colitis. and I am taking blackstrap molasses. need food though. and I had a tablespoon ACV with honey and water. I need blood still and oxygen in my blood. I feel like death still. I haven't figured out how to take the lugols. it is supposed to be empty stomach for 2 hrs then take, then wait another hour. but I take the other supplements, and sometimes force myself to eat a bite of food, at least try. so then my stomach wouldnt be empty so I havent been able to do the lugols, or do the Baking Soda more. thank you for guiding me so much! -Steph


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/22/2016

Stephanie, I have no idea how to help you, but I can tell you that whatever I need to take, especially Lugol's and even ACV, I try transdermal, meaning: painting on the skin and letting it absorb there.

Replied by Janet (In) on 08/23/2016


I reread all of Teds posts to review what I have learned. Here is the list in order of importance to reduce symptoms. These also solve much for me as without a lower intestine many of these are my issues too.

Wormwood or artemisinin. This is the best for correcting symptoms. It is extremely good for the exhaustion and pain. It helps so many intestinal issues. I thought it was for parasites and cancer but it has a much larger remedy picture than those two things.

Dhea Itake 100mg a day 50mg am 50mg pm. Ted recommends up to 200mg. You said you have weight issues. I would expect that this amount is a good place to start.

To reduce the ulcers Melatonin he says its lesser value is as a sleep aid and is actually better in intestine. 2.5mg to 5 mg a dose 2 to 3 doses a day. I take 5 mg at bedtime but during the day I must use lower doses.

Green tea. He says to drink it with the leaves. In other words, use loose tea or open the tea bag and drink with the leaves. Tannic acid is in the leaf and is the much needed healer . We have been using tannic acid to heal and digest. So I have it in the house. You can buy it at wine making shops or online. Chances are you might have the tea there though.

Humic acid this can be bought from plant nurseries or online. You can buy it online made up as Black Water. I bought a 16oz bottle of liquid made for a supplement the first time. I bought the granular thereafter. It is 2 tbsp of granular 1/2 tsp sea salt in distilled water. I add 10 oz or so of water in blender blend 10 to 20 seconds. Put in glass bottle. Take 1/16 to 1/8 tsp. of the water leaving the grains settled at the bottom. It should be medium brownish black colored water. It is mineral rich and heals the gut. It also improves digestion.

Aloe vera oil this is optimal but if you have other aloe vera products they can be used until you can order some. The only place I have found aloe vera oil is lotion making suppliers on ebay. Buy small amounts this 4oz to 8oz at a time. It is by drops, up to a tsp at a time and can go rancid after awhile.

Your goal is to stop the symptoms and weakness. Kill the mycobacterium that causes your illness and ulcerations. Remove the debris left behind by the mycotoxins, harmlessly without herxing or feeling worse.

Ted says these mycotoxins are very iron dependent, which explains your anemia.

I wish my surgeon had told me this, instead he told me to eat an apple a day. I did not leave the house after my surgery. It took me 2 years to find an answer. Here is Teds' chapter on ulcerative colitis. Janet


Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/23/2016

Dear Janet,

Thank you so much for all that you are doing for me. You have no idea how helpful you are, both for my health, and my spirit! I am in and out of understanding things right now. The immediate danger this weekend was the internal bleeding was from the huge uterine fibroids. I got my period with the heavy bleeding and huge clots. Now I feel that since the bleeding has lessened, I am a step away from death, and have 3 weeks in order to fix the fibroids, or I might not be able to avoid the surgery. Really DONT think I will make it through the surgery. So I HAVE NO CHOICE, MUST SHRINK fibroids. There is also bleeding from the colitis, but the immediate danger is the fibroids. I am not giving up and I plan to do more than ever the next 3 weeks.

First, I have to have a simple plan. You said the borax is needed to help the fibroids, etc. Can you help me to understand the Borax and H2O2 mix?

I have a hard time doing this, so is this simple one okay? 1/2 quart distilled water, with 1/16 tsp borax, and 1/2 capful of 3%hydrogen peroxide? (my bottle says external use only), is that what they all say? or do I need to find one that is for ingestion? And then if I finish this water mix that day, then I would do it a 2nd time, but so far, I have only gotten thru the 1/2quart with the 1/16t borax. I did try with 3%H2O2, but thought it was wrong, so I poured it out.

Next and most important is alkalize. So far I have only gotten to it once a day. Because it has to be on empty stomach, and although I barely eat food, I often take a vitamin or supplement, so I find it hard to find a time to have totally empty stomach. Is it ok to just alkalize with 1/4tsp BS in some water, or is it better to add a Tbsp ACV or 1/2 juice of a lemon? Its simplest for me just to do BS, since I get confused easily. Is this good enough?

I have not yet mastered the castor oil packs. But when I restart after period ends, is it ok just to do castor oil, then plastic, then heat pad? The immediate focus would be on the fibroids and on the swelling on my right side. its still very sore to lay on that side, but it hurts my heart and hard to breathe on left side, and I have a broken back, and it hurts to lay on my back for a long time, so I alternate every 15 min or so. Is the plain castor oil pack like this enough? You gave me so many ideas, I just can't seem to get a grasp on it yet, my brain isn't right. Nor is my energy. Don't even know how I am typing this, but I want to live, so this is VERY important to me, as are you, and earth clinic!

i take a bath once a wk in epsom salt and borax, but can only handle about 10 minutes right now.

I don't have Artemesin. I would like to get some! I do have DHEA. I was taking 25mg. I will up it to 50mg this wk. I hope it helps with the weight, I do look pretty much obese, and I don't have enough food in me to look as I do. I am having such digestion problems, and food makes me nauseas. I tried to blend the food in the nutribullet. it didnt blend.

I have melatonin, in liquid. I have tried to take just one drop, but it makes me almost into vertigo. for some reason it hasn't agreed with me. its very strong for me, as I am just very sensitive right now. I want to get tannic acid if that will help more than the green tea, but for now I will make a cup of green tea decaf. As for the tannic acid, again doesn't it have to be empty stomach? I do have humic acid/mineral blend capsules, do I take this daily? and can I take it with food?

I am confused about taking the magnesium citrate. and potassium citrate. Will it still work if I don't have empty stomach?

And I also want to take the lugols iodine if that will shrink fibroids. but that is also empty stomach, I have 2%. Would it work just as well if I put maybe 6 drops on the fibroid area instead of ingesting? and rub it in with my wrist?

I know its so many things, the lymes, colitis and fibroids, and ALL the other stuff I think will feel better if these 3 things are fixed. I have a new bottle of castor oil, and a very small tub of dmso that has aloe in it.

thank you soooo much! -Steph

Replied by Elsa (Elsewhere) on 08/22/2016


I was severely anemic and astonished my doctor by bringing up my iron level very quickly. I did it using a liquid iron supplement from the health food store. It has Iron+Herbs on the box. I now maintain it using tablets from the same company, and my doctor is very pleased!


Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/23/2016

Dear Elsa,

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your idea and I am so glad it helped you and I will be sure to take that form of iron.
Thanks again! -Steph

Replied by Janet (In) on 08/23/2016

Stephanie, here is what my surgical gyno told me when he removed/peeled my cysts off. This was the reason I had the surgery to begin with. They were so large they obstructed the internal ultrasound. The Dr. retired that year but he wrote a paper on them, they were that large. He said at that size and I was there on the table he removed them. He told me they would come back and normally he would not remove them.

I asked what I could do to prevent another problem he said "there is nothing" the surgery set off my apendix and my lower intestine became inflamed. An exploratory turned into a nightmare.

What I learned...I had to find a different way more hormones were not the answer and the periods before the hormones...huge clots it felt like my internal self was expelling from my body. I spent most of one or 2 days every 2 weeks in the bathroom. It was horrible. The pain the fear. Trying to recuperate was nearly impossible. My decision to leave dr care had much to do with this and the no answer answer.

I do know that borax water made a huge difference. Just use it for drinks if you wish. If you cannot finish the whole thing everday, do not sweat it. Do what you can. Iodine can be applied to your stomach. You can place your castor oil pack on it or not. Castor oil pack can be just the towel plastic and heating pad. Iodine and h2o2 are taken orally seperately by 4 hours as they cancel each other out but 1 topically and 1 internally I have not have any trouble. 2% iodine is fine. Next time you buy you can order 5%.

So now. You are drinking 1 liter of 1/8 tsp borax water a day as much as you can 4 days out of 7.

1/4 tsp of mag citrate in water and drink is good 2x a day with or without food. You can only do as much as you can.

Baking soda in 1/2 glass of water is 1/2 hour after a bite or 2 of some type of food. You can add lemon or Apple Cider Vinegar if you wish but concern yourself with what you can do.

The confusion is so hard. Many days I could not find my way. But slowly over time. I got better and took one more step forward.

Do you know? If you tap on your current post ec will take you to every post you have written and the answers all in a row by the time it was written and you can easily find and reread under your headings. I think it would help you to be able to reread. So you do not have to wait a day for a reply.

It was very daunting for me as Ted's things were mixed in everything. When you cannot think it is hard. Now he has his own section much easier. But I did not realize the were put in order under heading as you talk back and forth. Thought that might help. I had to reread much and often and lost or could not read what I wrote in my notes at the time.

Here is an interesting article re thyroid and iron and how they are connected I thought you might like. Janet


Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/24/2016

Dear Janet,

Thank you so much. What is the best water for the borax? I use an old ACV bottle to store it. Here are the options: 1.sink water is from a well, so some bacteria, but there is also a salt water softener, and a UV light before it comes out of my faucet. 2. spring water that is delivered once a month from the local spring, they say they test it before bottling to make sure it is safe. 3.distilled water from a 1gallon jug, like from walmart. Also is my #1 option to help shrink fibroids quickly: the BS empty stomach, and #2 the borax in water. #3 the iodine, which I am still figuring out now. Thank you for helping me! -Steph


Replied by Janet (In) on 08/26/2016

Stephanie, the spring water sounds right to me. Fibroids... borax water is the best. Iodine furthers this. Baking soda lays a foundation of health. All three work for your body to heal. Borax for fibroids though. Janet

Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/26/2016

Dear Janet,

Thank you for helping me. Any more advice? I am not doing well. At all. And I got confused with the h2o2 because I forgot to tell you that I have 7 mercury fillings in my mouth. and I dont know if I have to have empty stomach, for the 3%. I did what you said and clicked on the title to get past emails. thank you . thats helpful! I feel like I am dying, I need to heal the lymes because thats probably the cause of the fibroids, heart pain, colitis, etc. I guess, so that I can stop internal bleeding, and get oxygen and blood. I feel drained, and it feels like I am dying. I am not going to the hospital. I would love any words of encouragement and positive ideas. I CAN'T handle any negative at this point. I feel really bad. and want to feel really good! Thank you so much -Steph


Replied by Janet (In) on 08/26/2016

Stephanie, Mineral water would be my first choice.

The borax provides the action to diminish the fibroids. Iodine provides the thyroid and the whole body an opportunity to heal. Baking soda improves digestion and circulation.

These three things provide foundational help. Janet


Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/26/2016

Dear Bill,

Can you help? I have 7 large mercury fillings in my teeth, untreated Lymes and cancer, huge uterine fibroids, all of the autoimmune problems, painful heart, feel like I am dying, internal bleeding from colitis and fibroids, severe anemia, no oxygen in my blood. My % oxygen saturation when I do the test with the oximetry device on my finger is 88%. Can you suggest how to use the hydrogen peroxide? can I use it if I have mercury fillings?

i feel like I am dying. I have 3% hydrogen peroxide in the refrigerator. Also, I tried to make colloidal silver, and

got 8ppm. is that ok to take with the mercury fillings in my mouth? I am also trying to take 2%lugols. but am having

a hard time taking things on an empty stomach, its so hard to eat due to nausea that if I can get a few supplements

into me, or a bite of food, then I feel that I cant take the h202, or the lugols, or the colloidal silver. Please advise:

What do I need to avoid since I have the mercury in my mouth? How can I bring up the oxygen %saturation levels?

how can I get oxygen into my blood? I can barely stand anymore, I can barely eat, I don't have help. I do

not want to go to the hospital, I do not want surgery or chemo. Please advise exactly, I am so confused, and don't understand simple things, so please be exact in what to take and how much and when, and what to take it with and what not to take it with. I appreciate your help! Thank you so much! Please respond soon, I feel like I

am on deaths door. earth clinic and everyone have been so kind to me, its sure a reason to live! Thanks again! -Steph


Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/27/2016

Dear Timh,

Can you help me? I can't handle any negative feedback, I need positive help, and I don't want the hospital.

I am dying. My liver is bad, and without having any treatment for the lymes, my body is sick. I want to try artemesian

if that would help the lymes, powassen, etc, but also need to treat the liver. Urine is like soy sauce, swelling on right side

of stomach, pain goes down thigh. Too nauseas to eat. Water makes me nauseas too. Losing blood and oxygen. I am drained.

I cant drive. I am shaky, and need help. What can I do at home to cure liver, before I pass out, and they take me to

hospital and start surgeries and chemo? I can't take antibiotics due to colitis. I wish you were here to help me so much. Thank you

- Steph


Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/28/2016

Dear Timh and Earth Clinic,

Any ideas for liver pain and swelling? the swelling and pain goes from my liver, down to my hip, and down my whole right leg to my ankle and foot. It is getting more swollen and painful very quickly. The liver is toxic, and I was hoping for ideas that could be simple to do immediately,

i am trying a liquid mix that has milk thistle and artichoke, 1/2tsp 2x/day. I tried castor oil pack, but the heat is bothering the MS, so I could only do 10 min the past 2 nights. the swelling is getting much worse each day. Is there anything that would be simple and topical? I am too nauseas to eat. I am forcing myself to at least eat an egg each day, but really sick and anemic. Please advise to supplements or topical. I cant bend, I can't lie on my right side. it all originates from chronic lymes that I have not treated yet. But the urgency today is help the liver be less toxic, and reduce swelling. When I did force myself to eat a bite of burger, I bloated again, couldnt digest, it was very uncomfortable.

The leg is painful from the swelling. Please help!

Thank you! Thank you! -Steph


Replied by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/31/2016

Dear Earth Clinic,

I have vertigo, right now its only half there, I am concerned it will hit me again like it did last night. Its horrible!!!!! Any advice please for a quick fix, and then also a longer term prevention. it is 8:30pm here in NJ now, and I am about to lie down. which makes it worse, but I am tired. I couldn't sleep last night because the vertigo made me so sick. I am weak from bad health to begin with. Please advise! Also, if anyone has any ideas of a naturopathic type doctor near me in nj, please let me know. Everyone on earth clinic have been helping me so much, thank you sooooooo much! -Steph


Replied by Catlyn (Washington) on 09/20/2016

Hi Steph,

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this site. Uterine artery embolization is a surgical procedure, so yes I had to take antibiotics. It's performed by an interventional radiologist, in a cath lab. It involves injecting tiny beads into the arteries leading to the uterus, to block the blood flow to the fibroids. I was off work for a week and there was pain. For me, it really helped. The heavy periods gradually got more manageable and normal. Now that I'm almost three years postmenopausal, I don't have to worry about that anymore. I probably would have had to have a hysterectomy if the embolization hadn't been an option.


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