Remedies Needed for Bi-polar, Chemical Imbalance and Severe Mood Swings

Posted By Laura (Guildford, CT) on 07/07/2008

Does anybody know of a treatment to ease or eliminate symptoms of Bi-Polar, Chemical Imbalances, Severe Mood Swings NOT associated with menstruation or menopause? Costs of prescribed drugs are simply unaffordable, especially as i am without insurance. I am looking into buying my prescription from Canada, but if there is anything natural that could help, that would be a blessing. Thank you.

Replied by Sharon (Boston, MA) on 07/07/2008

High doses of flax seed oil have been used successfully in the treatment of bi-polar disorders.


Replied by Teresa (Up North, Indiana) on 07/08/2008

Consider getting your thyroid checked. There have been studies linking thyroid problems to bi-polar disease. The problem is finding a doctor that knows what tests to use, and what ranges to rely on (for the most part, many traditional docs are clueless on this one). Go to (message boards) or for more info (look at the list of symptoms and see if any match others that you are having). They don't sell anything. It is just a resource site. Thyroid problems are underdiagnosed (along with adrenal problems).

Also, I think a good food based multi and fulvic acid are good starting points. I don't think we value proper nutrition enough, and supplement companies are partly to blame. Sometimes many would rather sell you bottles and bottles of stuff you don't need, when a good quality multi would do. Not the cheap ones. A doc once told me that food based is the way to go, because there are many compounds in fruits and veggies that we haven't even discovered yet.

The mention of flax is interesting. So, maybe consider some fish oil pills and coconut oil, as well. I think that good fats are important in proper body function (and brain function).

But, before you start fiddling with expensive supplements, have you worked on your PH (using ACV or lemon with baking soda)? If not, maybe you can give this a try for a few weeks to see if things improve. Also, maybe a pinch of sea salt in a liter of water to get your bodies homeostatsis back in check. Again, about the flax that was mentioned, I wonder if it is effective because it lessons the heavy metal burden a person may have in their body, hence lessing the negative impact on the body. In this case, eating a bit of (organic) cilantro may be helpful (and cheap). Go slow.

What about a good amino acid product? Brewer's Yeast is dirt cheap, and has a blend of the expesive amino acids people buy isolated in capsules for mental problems ( ex. tyrosine). Add a drop of soy sauce when you are taking the brewers yeast to make it more bioavailable. I think I remember reading that from Ted?? Put it in juice, though, because . . . yuck!

Also, alot of times our bodies can't dump waste from our cells, and we don't absorb nutrients well. In this case, a pinch of MSM taken along with supplements may help. Helps the good stuff get into cells so we aren't just wasting money and time. MSM powder also tastes horrid, so consider using it in juice.

Ah, I could go on and on with possibilities. I'm sure I've forgotton something. Maybe Ted will chime in with better suggestions. Best Wishes.

Replied by Teresa (Up North, Indiana) on 07/08/2008

To Laura, I forgot a few basic things that I guess I just take for granted. If you are drinking tap water, please find another source. I get confused in all the "water controversy". But, I know distilled water is generally a "no-no", and I think RO water is the same, unless you can re-mineralize it. I've sometimes found drinking water with the magnesium, sodium, etc added back in. I think these are a good bet, along with mineral water.

Speaking of magnesium, maybe you can browse around this site a bit for discussion on magnesium, potassium, mineral deficiencies. The first time I supplemented with magnesium, I remember how relaxed I felt.

Chlorine (in tap water and pool water) build-up in the body causes major problems, so sometimes sodium thiosulfate is helpful in detoxing the body. It's the stuff they use in fish aquariums. It took me awhile to find one that was pure sodium thiosulfate (not all are, and they aren't usually labeled). I also remember the first time I took this I could almost feel my body decompress. Relaxing. Just a drop or two in lots of water will do. Please see Ted's post for more info.

Vitamin D deficiencies are a huge problem, especially if you live in Northern climates or have darker skin. This has started going mainstream (getting in journals, etc), which is good.

Also, consider painting with Iodine to see if you absorb it quickly. I have Lugol's now, but started with the regular stuff you by at the store (betadine?). A bottle will cost you a few dollars. Directions for painting are found easily on this site. Exposure to fluoride in water will zap you of Iodine, and that has been linked to hormonal/thyroid (often confused with mental) problems in woman, and men, too.

When I started taking care of my body and giving it the nutrients it was starving for, my anxiety diminshed greatly. I also use Armour thyroid, and while it has helped me, I notice a remarkable difference in my mother who started taking it.
about 6 months ago.

Other things to consider are borax, citric acid + baking soda (to chelate calcium buildup and help balance hormones).

Try to use powders or liquid caps. Those hard, coated pills don't get absorbed well. Waste of money.

Almost everything that I've mentioned is very cheap. That way you can get started without being overwhelmed by cost. Sometimes, buying off the net saves a lot of money. I have a favorite site (hint - the word "herb" is in the domain name). No affiliation; just think the prices and shipping are decent. But, there are others.

Please post here again if you have any questions. There is affordable hope out there . . . don't give up. (note: Of course, I'm not qualified to give medical advice, so please research what I've said yourself and proceed carefully. Just trying to tell you what my experiences have been). Good Luck.

Replied by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 07/08/2008

Hi Laura, Someone else has already mentioned getting rid of one neurotoxin (Sodium Fluoride), but if you haven't already done it, google excitotoxins and work on getting them out of the foods you eat. Sorry, but you are going to have to give up most processed foods because most of them are loaded with the two major excitotoxins (monosodium glutamate and aspartame). All three of the above play havoc with our brains. Old fitness guru, Jack Lalanne, pretty much covered it when he said "If man made it, don't eat it".
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