Help Needed for Refluxed Acid in Throat Due to Esophageal Cancer Surgery

Posted By Sheila (San Luis Obispo, California) on 10/31/2016

My husband had esophageal cancer surgery last year which has left him, basically, with his stomach in his chest, attached to what was left of his removed esophagus. He must never lie flat. However, sometimes, in his sleep (he does sleep on an incline) he becomes flat and then the acid from his stomach leaps into his throat and mouth. He tells me it is a disgusting feeling and taste, which is difficult to eradicate. He rinses his mouth with water, which he swallows, but this is not enough to get rid of the foul taste.

We are looking for suggestions, something thick and neutral he can swallow? He really has not tried anything so we are open to all suggestions. A pharmacist friend recommended a liquid suspension of "magaldrate" or "riopan" but, in looking these up, I discovered they are prescription and not readily available anywhere!

Any help appreciated! Thanks.


Replied by Ben (Kansas) on 11/02/2016

Calcium bentonite clay is definitely worth a try.

Replied by Timh (Ky) on 11/03/2016

Sheila: For immediate relief try swallowing a mild drink of alkalized water sever times a day. I like a 50% Sea Salt & 50% Baking Soda mix then add to water. This will buffer the acids trying to make the way up the Esophagus. For healing take Zinc/Elderberry Lozenges.

After a few days of this take tablets of ACV to stimulate digestion and get stuff moving north-to-south. Incorporate Milled Flax Seeds into the diet or take one spoon 1x per day to help clean the colon.

Later on, a Gallbladder Cleanse may be needed as well as liver support herbs & nutrients. Digestive Enzymes supplement will help. Diet should be lots of live foods and/or juicing as these are easily digested and promote healing.


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