Need Remedies for Recurring Fever (PFAPA) in 12 Year Old Boy

Posted By Patricia A. (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 10/07/2021


Back on Dec 12th 2019 my son started a reoccurring fever every 6 weeks. After blood test and many doctor visits they said it's PFAPA (Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, Adenitis).

Is there a cure for this? The fever comes every 6 weeks or so fevers are 104.5 approx that can last 3 to 5 days sometimes.
He complains about a dry throat and mucus build up around throat area. He gets swollen lymph nodes in neck area.

I was doing Homeopathic but it's been 2 years and a box full of different remedies still doesn't seem to be making it any better.

He is 12 years old now and will be 13 In Feb 2022.

Any advice?

Thank you,


Replied by Hope (Florida) on 10/08/2021

Kidney infection. Read about and try Olive Leaf Extract. Much information on the herb.
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Replied by Cece (Los angeles ) on 10/08/2021

When I was 18, I had the same thing happen to me. I worked in a clinic. I went to each dr there and no one knew what was going on. None of the treatments or antibiotics worked. A new doctor came on board and desperate I went to him. He took X-rays of my sinus cavities. Took me off all medication. Told me one of my small internal cavities had an infection that would subside but never go away. So it would take 4-6 weeks for the infection to flair my fever would go to 104. He told me the antibiotics I had been given were incorrect. He gave me one I had not been given. The infection cleared 100 percent and I never had another problem This went on for almost a year until the new doctor hit the nail on the head and this cycle stopped He was the first doctor to take X-rays of the sinuses and this small pinpoint of infection caused all of my challenges

I was 18. Now 75. So I can't remember more than this. But maybe this will be of some help.

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Replied by No-ne (US) on 10/08/2021


My son too was similar since his 6 yr vac (they mixed dtap+mmr, which is a no, no according to merek’s insert). His fevers went to 106.7 and would then go into myositis (body eating his muscles) and couldn’t walk without therapy.

It was very scary, but at 10 yrs old I decided to remove all chemicals, as I was using the Tylenol & Ibuprofen regimen back and forth at the time to keep the fevers down. The alternative, which was putting 2 drops of peppermint essential oil on the bottom of the foot, cover with a sock and put him to bed. To my surprise, it worked where nothing else would.

I later discovered the Tylenol is an autoimmune suppressant, thus causing the fight against his body. By stopping the suppressant and helping the body with the oil stopped him from ever getting any fevers over 102 and eventually to none at all.

He is now 18 and hasn’t had a fever since 12 yrs old.

With your son’s inflammation, always start with the gut. Bone broths and anti-inflammatory foods, but mainly bone broths. Try to find out what might be causing this by looking at your environment, foods eating, chemicals around, etc. as you need to look for the source of the cause. In our case, it was the meds.

Also, colloidal silver is the best safe antibiotic, so you could give that during one of the bouts just in case it is viral or bacterial without killing the healthy gut biome. Use the following calculation (Sovereign Silver is a great brand to use):

120 x lbs / ppm = drops per day for 10 days.

I hope this helps, as it did for us.

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Replied by Sabita (Florida) on 10/08/2021

If this was my child, I would clean up the diet. No added sugars, low sugar fruits, low glycemic carbs, no junk foods. Dairy is not a good idea either. A lot of health issues seem to stem from what we put into our bodies. I would also start him on garlic capsules and/or Oil of Oregano with Carvacol properties to fight fungal issues.

Vitamin C and Lysine powder (antiviral). I use Sodium Ascorbate form of Vitamin C. These two things give great results for my whole family especially when we feel like we may be getting sick. I‘ve stocked up on Vitamin C and Lysine because these two items work for us.

I have also applied alternating hot (very hot) and cold compresses (almost freezing) to my husband and daughter’s gets things moving (5x) With this treatment I gave them garlic ”antibiotic“ made with crushed garlic in Apple Cider Vinegar steeped in a glass jar in a cupboard for about a week before using. Half a tsp throughout the day. More if they can stand it. This is an excellent treatment.

I pray that your son will be healed.

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Replied by susan (buffalo) on 10/08/2021

Our 12 year old son also had unknown fevers for over a month several years ago in may. Fever would spike around 2:00pm at school. Son told school nurse he "had pain in his brain" and I would get the call to pick him up. He had antibiotics, scan of his brain, dental x-ray, tested for meningitis-all negative. I started giving him "Umka" (over the counter med found in health food stores and Wegmans). This seemed to resolve the issue.
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Replied by Nicky Gardner (Canada) on 10/08/2021

Have you considered using MMS also known as Chlorine Dioxide? The timing (every 6 weeks) sounds an awful lot like a parasitic infestation, with a new "crop" of parasites being produced every 6 weeks or so. MMS will certainly help with a parasitic infestation. In the alternative, you might want to explore using Structured Silver, also an anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral blood booster. Be sure it is Structured Silver and not ionic or colloidal. They are both good, but structured is better.

Good Luck


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Replied by Pail (St. Pete FL.) on 10/08/2021

I would look into food Grade hydrogen Peroxide therapy, a good book to buy on the subject is, The One Minute Cure by Madison Cavenaugh. It is cheap and very effective way to Oxygenate your body.... there is another way to oxygenate your body and that is medical grade Ozone therapy but there is more Expense in that, but you can do research on that also. God Bless.

Replied by Tracy (Australia) on 10/08/2021

The doctor must realise there is some type of bacteria/virus going on in the body. Your son's body is doing it's level best by throwing a fever, to stave it off. For myself at the age of 63 and always getting some type of virus every winter for years, I now know this: Your throat is first line of defence and will indicate that you will get sicker if you don't stop it at the throat, so, homeopathic aconite at the first sign. You can do 200c every 15 minutes up to 4 times only. If that does the trick, which honestly it should, then great. Your son's body will end up after a couple of times of getting the sore throat, beaten the demon. The other thing I have on hand and this is a also a miracle is to get some high strength liquid zinc sulphate compounded for you, then when he gets a sore throat take a dropperful and drop down the back of his throat and get him to keep it there for a bit. It is horrible but it does the trick every time!!! Amazing stuff. The zinc is actually giving him the weapon to get rid of whatever it is that is making him sick thereby giving his body a break from always having to go into battle.

Having said that about the zinc (in that particular form), I believe that aconite given every time he is sick will actually rectify the issue whatever that issue is. I see that you have tried homeopathy in the past and were not impressed but if you try that protocol that I mentioned, I believe you will be happily surprised that the issue itself will disappear. Homeopathy used correctly can be amazing. Remembering that aconite is homeopathic polycrest. Which means that it has a massive range of issues that it can fix for good. You MUST use at the very first sign or it is too late.

Best of luck.


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Replied by Antonis (Cyprus) on 10/09/2021

Please check immediately your son for vitamin D deficiency. I am sure he has vitamin D deficiency. Make sure you get vitamin D to the upper limits of the laboratory test. If we exclude any other pathological parameters, once you get vitamin D to the upper limits of laboratory tests, your son may be cured completely.
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Replied by Bunty (Western Cape South Africa) on 10/16/2021

My go-to would be Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) as it is so easy to take, and kills all pathogens, including maleria. It can be diluted in water and used as a nasal and throat spray as well, and used as an enema for easy access to the liver. Get some MMS and make your CDS as instructed here:


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