Questions on healing after dental extraction

Posted By Kay (Jax, FL) on 08/06/2014

Today I had two front teeth removed. This was because I had severe gum disease which was irreversible. I received an immediate partial denture as these are front teeth so this is an appearance issue. My question is does the partial staying over the holes truly make it heal faster. Also, I was advised not to rinse for 24 hrs and at that time to rinse with warm water with a teaspoon of salt. Ofcourse the pain right now is very bad, so I took 250mg of tylenol which helped it for about an hour. Any suggestions on healing faster?

Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 08/06/2014

Kay from Jax, Fl. --- please visit Paradise Now online who have many answers for you. I use their advice a lot. Stay away from Tylenol. It should be banned. You can research it's deleterious effects online before taking it. I deal with pain with DMSO and celtic salt packs, all gleaned from EC and the link I have suggested. Good Luck.

Namaste, Om


Replied by Cheryl (Bakersfield, California) on 08/06/2014

Hi Kay,

first never take Tylenol for anything. Do the research on it as it is very damaging to your liver especially if you drink alcohol cause that will make it's harmful effects work quicker.
As for your pain coated aspirin is just fine if you take it with a light meal. My Mother had colon cancer and she only took 500 mg of Bayer aspirin for the pain when most people at her stage of the game were on Morphine.

Another great thing to kill infections and greatly reduce pain is Tumeric. You can buy a one pound bag at the health food for about $ 10.00 or you can find it for about $ 3.00 in the foreign food isle of most large grocery stores. For the pain mix two teaspoons of the Tumeric with 1/4 cup of milk or juice, more or less and drink it down as it tastes terrible and repeat as often during the day as needed. Tumeric is awesome. Can really help get rid of any infection too. Hope this helps you.

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