Questions about concerns with detox

Posted By Dane (Portland, Or) on 04/21/2012

Question for Bill or Ted, Three weeks ago I started oil pulling alternating between coconut and olive with tea tree oil, the first week was miserable and so I started taking some chlorella to assist in the detox, w/o really taking any mineral supplements, durin the second week I had heavy brain fog that seems somewhat debilitating, I stopped the chlorella and slowly backed off the oil pulling while switching to Granulated Lecithin, 1 Tbsp daily, as well as Magnesium Citrate 400 mg, and Ted's lemon like alkalizing tonic, as well as a food based multivitamin I had been taking sporadically throughout, the brain fog decreased and I began to try to eat a more alkaline diet about 2 weeks in as well.

Into the third week I now feel very underweight and am urinating frequently my veins seem very pronounced, with occasional tingling in my hands. I had two beers two nights in a row and feel as though my blood sugar is out of whack or something, I'm a healthy 26 year old male who was 6'1" 155 lbs prior to starting this so you can see my concern about weight loss. I don't know if my pH is trying to stabilize and causing me distress in the mean time or what, but the weight loss and pronounced veins, especially after meals, is worrisome. My pulse and blood pressure are very healthy when at rest.

I started all of this because of a possible Candida overgrowth causing me seasonal allergies every year. I haven't taken the granulated lecithin, or the alkalizing tonic during the past couple days either (since I drank the beers)... any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Replied by Lon (Stanhope, Nj) on 04/21/2012

Are you drinking the alkalizing drink too close to meal time?

Replied by Dane (Portland, Or) on 04/22/2012

I don't think so, I usually try to take it in between meals, but I have been drinking lemon water without baking soda as often as possible in addition to the tonic, I feel pretty good, I am back on my supplements and I don't feel weak or anything I am just unhappy with the weight loss and I don't think the few beers did me any favors, as they probably stripped my body of some important minerals, while my bodies pH is trying to stabilize. I have read that people who have been underweight may initially lose a little more weight once switching to an alkaline diet, which is probably what is occurring, I have been a little hyper-aware of my body during the past few weeks as I have experienced many new things. I think that my body possibly had more to detox than I realized.

Replied by Kira (Bucharest, Romania) on 06/29/2012

I had no more problems with Candida since I started eating

  • Cinnamon -- I try to keep up with a teaspoon/day;
  • yoghurt (lately homemade kefir) about 4 times/week;
  • cruciferous (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower) as often as possible, which is about 2 times/week.
  • Also washing with bicarbonate water helps locally.

Candida was an issue for me since I was a kid, now I had no more outbreaks for over a year.

Good health!


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