
Posted By Frank on 09/25/2007

Hi, about 2 years ago i had a baby and stated noticing weird tight felings in my throat -nothing too serious- it pregressed so i wwnt to the doc and complained they gave me antibiotics for sore throat( stupid me for taking them) it never helped and progressed to nights when i have to sit up for 8 hrs sometimes because of indegstion feeling or acid feeling( no heartburn though) i also have a white tongue i went to ent which looked at my throat and said it was probably gerd and gave me drugs (apo omeprazole) it helped with all the symptoms (besides maybe 2 days out of the month i felt normal) i stopped taking it after 1 month of use and the symptoms are coming back i dont want to have to take this drug for the rest of my life please tell me what can help i also bought fivelac which i will start using tomorrow I TRIED ACV one time and it burnt my throat ( isnt that counter prodcutive??) PLEASE REPLY ASAP IF POSSIBLE thank YOU.

Replied by (Bangkok)

Fran: Apple cider vinegar for GERD will cause throat burning. A safer remedy appears to be 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water, allow the mixture to react for about 2-3 minutes or more. Then the pH here (after stirring) should be closer to the body and this should not cause the burning. Ideally it is taken 30 minutes or more before meals during morning, and once in the late afternoon (3-4 p.m.) and another one before sleeping. At least this is taken twice a day, once in the morning and once before bedtime, if the work schedules are rather busy during the day hours.

If that is still causing burning, then a more alkaline remedy of 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water, well reacted (stirring for 2 minutes) may be better and cause less burning effect. Actually no burning effect should be experienced.

Antibiotics and most meds don't work because they are 90% of them, acid forming, especially the antibiotics, which can create GERD as being a common occurence, at least for me.


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