Question About Familial Tremors

Posted By Lucinda (San Antonio, TX) on 08/21/2008

My 17 yo son has familial tremors. Some days things are very difficult for him. This is something my brother had from the time he was a teenager and I have watched it progress. Would love to know what would help them both. Do you know what the cause the the tremors is? Thank you!

Replied by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 08/22/2008

To Lucinda from San Antone: B vitamin deficiency can cause tremors. The best & cheapest way to find out if this figures in your l7 year old son's familial tremors is to get a good Stress tablet and give him one at meal time and bedtime for at least 2 or 3 weeks to see if it decreases tremors. (Stress tablets are B complex vitamins with C & E vitamins included - bottle will say l a day but 3 will do no harm and if he is deficient, and he will decrease deficiency faster. I would also suggest a good magnesium supplement once or twice daily also. Another thing you might do is google "excitotoxins" as Dr. Russell Blaylock blames another another tremulous disease (Parkinson's disease) on these and two of them, monosodium glutamate (MSG) and aspartame (nutrisweet) are heavily included in all our processed foods and some unprocessed ones. Also according to Dr. Mercalo, they have been using MSG on crops in the field for at least a decade. Excitotoxins are also known as neuro or(brain)toxins.

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