Problems Weaning Off Omeprazole for GERD

Posted By Colleen (Cincinnati) on 08/31/2016

I tried to wean off Omeprazole 20mg a month or so. I tapered to 10mg about 10 days. Had horrible nausea, light headed, racing heart missed a week of work. It felt like an anxiety panic attack. I had to go to my doctor because I was getting worse. She put me back on 20mg. After reading these posts I may give it another shot. Do you do the ACV while you are weaning off meds or after you have completely stopped taking them?

Replied by Mayank (Ind) on 09/06/2016

Hello Colleen,

I had GERD for 2 years and was taking the omeprazole 20 mg. I wanted to discontinue it but if I skip a day, the symptoms/problem re-appears. Found a miraculous remedy on this site in the month of July, 16. It is the Apple cider vinegar+Baking soda. I must admit that I have stopped taking Omeprazole or medicines of any such kind. Please check for ACV+BS in this website.



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