What is Causing Premature Death of Poor Workers From Nepal?

Posted By Earth Clinic (Los Angeles) on 12/21/2016

What do you think is causing all of these poor young workers from Nepal to die in their sleep? Chronic dehydration and severe electrolyte loss?

Here's an article from Associated Press that just came out today.


Replied by John Langley (Sussex) on 12/22/2016

This is very telling..

"In rural Nepal, people eat rice, lentils and seasonal greens around 10 in the morning, and a second meal of rice and vegetables in the evening. Milk and eggs are almost always available as well.

Abroad, Nepali workers also eat twice a day, but the mainstay is whole meal flour flatbread with some pickle or a vegetable, and once a day they have chicken. Some in the Middle East say they drink less water at their desert worksites than they do in mountainous Nepal because, as Hindus, they're not allowed to use Muslim bathrooms and are forced to wait for hours."

Lack of decent nutrition in addition to electrolyte loss and dehydration in extreme heat is my educated guess. Loss of critical sodium and magnesium deficiency can cause heart attacks.

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Replied by Mama to Many (Tn) on 12/22/2016

This is so very sad. Yes, I am guessing that some form of malnutrition is likely. The article mentions vitamin supplementation as a possible solution and I think this would be a relatively inexpensive thing to do and certainly worth the effort to save lives. Frederick R. Klenner, M.D.believed that sudden infant death syndrome is caused by vitamin C deficiency (http://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/198x/smith-lh-clinical_guide_1988.htm) Perhaps vitamin C or other deficiency (magnesium? postassium) is the cause of this unexplained nocturnal death as well.

I hope the exposure of this deplorable situation will put pressure on those who are responsible for it to do something to relieve it.

~Mama to Many~

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